Thursday, January 30, 2025

Miss Piggie the White House spokesperson



That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Two-Bit Karoline"  and he's rightly mocking Karoline Leavitt -- a very ugly person on the inside and on the out.  Miss Piggie needs to take that cross off because she doesn't speak for God or Jesus.  Kimberley Richards (Huffington Post) reports:


White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt responded to a question about Black History Month during her first press briefing on Tuesday — and many found her answer quite unsettling. 

At the briefing, White House correspondent April Ryan asked Leavitt whether President Donald Trump’s administration has plans to celebrate Black History Month this year, given the president’s ongoing crusade against programs and initiatives that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI. 

“As we’re dealing with anti-DEI and anti-woke efforts, we understand this administration ... is thinking about celebrating Black History Month. Have you got any word on that, anything that you can offer to us?” Ryan asked. 

“As far as I know, this White House certainly still intends to celebrate — and we will continue to celebrate American history and the contributions that all Americans, regardless of race, religion or creed, have made to our great country,” Leavitt said. “And America is back.” 

It’s unclear how the White House plans to commemorate this year’s Black History Month, which begins on Saturday, Feb. 1. While the press secretary said the White House “still intends to celebrate,” she immediately followed that statement with a remark about celebrating everyone — regardless of their race.

She's a hideous person, Miss Piggie.  No wonder she had to find a man about forty years older to marry her.  You'd have to be desperate to hook up with that.

Here's C.I.'s "The Snapshot:"

Thursday, January 30, 2025.  The press corps proved they're hypocrites and whores by refusing to call out something that took place yesterday in a briefing, in the Senate the country saw Junior flounder and flail and embarrass himself, priss-pot and grifter Glenneth Greenwald attacks Caroline Kennedy which allows us the reason to examine the real Glenneth and not the p.r. lies pimped regularly by the likes of Krstyal Ball, and so much more.

Lat's start with Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Two-Bit Karoline" which went up last night. 

That's the ugly ass White House spokesperson Karoline Leavitt.  You need video?  MEDIATOUCH NETWORK offers the video below on her lies.

Her lies are awful.  Awful.

But it takes more than lying to be a two-bit whore.  

I would like to point out to each and everyone of you that in 2024 when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office or sleeping upstairs in the residence sleeping.

Now the media is sucking up to Convicted Felon Donald Chump.  Part of that is because they've wrongly thought him popular -- GALLUP's new poll made clear that he's not popular and that he's the lowest rated in 70 years -- and that survey took place before his huge horror show this week regarding funding.  There's also this nonsense of a honeymoon period.  That's for first timers.  Chump didn't get it -- I noted that in real time.  It's when the media -- because they're craven and cowardly -- give you the benefit of the doubt more or less for the first 100 days.  It's because you're an unknown.  Chump is a known and there's no reason for the press to bring baggies of blood with them as they waltz into the bedroom with Chump to pretend he just breached their hymen. 

But they pretend it's about decorum and the office and all this other nonsense.

I would like to point out to each and everyone of you that in 2024 when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office or sleeping upstairs in the residence sleeping.

That's what the two-bit whore said.

Now when Chump called Kamala a whore in the debate, we watched stunned as no one in the press wanted to call it out.  As we noted at the gina &krista round-robin, we weren't going to make a big deal of it because that's what he wanted.  But the media, the reporters, they're obligated to cover that.  And they just pretended like it didn't happen or it sailed over their heads.

For the record, Kamala's not a whore.  

For the record, her relationship with Willie Brown was real and genuine.  I can say that because I know Willie and I was there.  And I'm not a K-Hiver.  Kamala and I did not get along.  That's not, "We didn't get a long for a month" or "We didn't get along for a year."  We did not get along for over a decade.  I didn't support her run in 2020 for the presidency.  While calling for Joe to step aside and dictating a snapshot, I started off noting that she'd be among the contenders if he would step aside and in the middle of that snapshot, you'll see where I flip from luke warm to full support.  And that's because I'm listing people's pluses and minuses, the totality of what she's done and what the country needs became so very clear and she was the best choice.  

I've spoken to her since -- and campaigned for her -- but we were not friends.  This was about her record and her strengths.  And I was a big enough person to say, "I was wrong about her."  

She's not a whore.

Nicole what's her name can't say the same.

If you missed it, the woman who was like some maid's daughter or something and wanted to be rich so she pursued men and took their wealth, that one.  The one that wants to be governor of California.  The liar who ran with Robert Kennedy Junior.

That's a whore.

You sleep with men -- maybe marry him, maybe don't -- then dump when you get your money.  

That's what our society has always considered a whore.

And the whore showed up yesterday threatening and spewing and hissing and all I could think was, "She made all that money on her back and that face is the best she could buy?"  

She may be setting a trap for herself by claiming big donations in the past that were supposedly secret because secret donations aren't supposed to take place in public elections.  Guess all the time spent trying to finetune her fellatio skills didn't allow left over time to familiarize one's self with the law.

But what we're dealing with is a tramp.  I don't pretend to know the trashy ways of MAGA tech.  Someone might be desperate enough for a slag with no class who turns forty and who California society is not going to welcome.  Ever.

But I doubt it.

Even so, she has neither the fortitude or the strength to go the distance. 

Her threats to retaliate against any senator who votes against confirming Junior as Secretary of Health and Human Services are a joke.

She doesn't have the skill, she doesn't have the knowledge and have any of you ever met a whore who made his or her money on their back who willingly parted with large sums of their money?


Whores don't do that.

She doesn't have the strength and she doesn't have the character.

But, thanks to Donald Chump, we're now in The Age Of The Whore.  He's a whore and so are his people.

We're back to the pig.

I would like to point out to each and everyone of you that in 2024 when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office or sleeping upstairs in the residence sleeping.

That should have ended the press honeymoon right there.

As Ruth points out in "Karoline Leavitt is a two-bit . . ..," that has never happened before.  Ruth had just started college when JFK was assassinated.  She's seen one administration after the other.

No whore has ever done what Piggie did.

Now I can't match Ruth's knowledge base.  Prior to the Iraq War, I didn't pay attention to any White House press briefings other than a clip or two that would make it to the news.  (I did observe -- in person -- a few -- especially during Bill Clinton's presidency but I focused on the theatrical aspect -- meaning I was more interested in looking at the reactions of members of the press corps.) 

But with the impending Iraq War and then the creation of this site, I have followed press briefings via transcript or streaming or in four cases during Barack Obama's presidency being present.  I did not follow Chump's first administration for obvious reasons.  

But I've caught Ari Fleischer, Scott McClellan, Tony Snow, Dana Perino, Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, Josh Earnest, Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre.  And with Jen, I've caught more than her White House press briefings.  With her and Marie Harf, I caught them at the State Dept during Barack's presidency.

None of the people mentioned above -- Republican or Democrat -- would have ever made such a tacky and tasteless remark.


I would like to point out to each and everyone of you that in 2024 when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office or sleeping upstairs in the residence sleeping.
Karoline Leavitt thought she was being funny and cute.

She was being tasteless and low class.  

Cute?  Have you seen her.

Funny?  Have you seen her.

Yes, the fat piggie was funny because it's always funny to watch a small breasted fat woman with irregular teeth and skin problems that she thinks make up is hiding carry herself on stage with an oddly strong confidence.

Piggie, someone needs to break it to you, you are a freak show.

I'm honestly surprised you go out in daylight, let alone in front of the cameras.

That wasn't funny.  You're not on FOX "NEWS."  You're in the White House and you need to try to conduct yourself appropriately.  Now considering the way you look, you could make first thing on your list be washing off that clown make up -- it's not hiding your many flaws -- and second thing to do be finding a dandruff shampoo, that works.  You can even bring in someone to teach you about make up so your lipstick stops smearing on the side of your mouth and above your lip and on your teeth.  But at some point, Piggie, you need to learn that there's a level of decorum that is supposed to be part of the position you now hold.

And shame on the press for not commenting on this.  Ruth was right to call this out.  But let's all note that it's Ruth who did it.  80-year-old Ruth who has called it out.  Isaiah did his cartoon because of what Ruth wrote.  I'm noting it now because of what Ruth wrote. 

Where is the functioning press?  And, for that matter, where are the YOUTUBERS?

The corporate media is giving Chump a pass and insisting that it's the honeymoon.  You want to end the honeymoon?  Start pointing out how even the basic observations of decorum and fairness are being ignored.  How a White House press briefing is being used to attack a former president of the United States 

This is outrageous.  And it is outrageous for the White House press corps to avert their eyes and pretend this didn't just happen.  You're a hypocrites.  No 'honeymoon' justifies you staying silent on a White House press secretary attacking and mocking a former president.  That's not done and it's unacceptable -- as unacceptable as your silence on this is.

And it's The Year Of The Whore thanks to the ultimate whore Donald Chump.  (For any idiot wanting to e-mail, I'm not the White House spokesperson and I'm not bound by any sense of decorum.) 

Yesterday, as Mike notes in "Junior takes his freak show to the Senate," crackpot Robert Kennedy Junior had his confirmation hearing.  Junior showed up juiced on steroids while running low on basic facts.  He made clear that it's not just his lack of medical knowledge that makes him so wrong to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, it's also his lack of knowledge with regards to what HHS actually does that makes him such a joke.

I don't, for example, remember Donna Shalala showing up at her confirmation hearing for this office sporting a lackadaisical attitude of I'll-learn-as-I-go-along.  No, like a serious nominee, Donna showed up at the hearing prepared and informed because she actually did the work required.

Junior was one non-stop embarrassment after another.

Let's note this from Senator Elizabeth Warren's office.

Washington, D.C. – At a hearing of the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and member of the Senate Finance Committee, questioned Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), about his dangerous conflicts of interest and record of profiting from anti-vaccine conspiracies. 

Mr. Kennedy has made nearly $2.5 million in referral fees from the law firm Wisner Baum. Mr. Kennedy receives a 10% contingency fee in these cases if the plaintiffs win, and his ethics agreement indicates he will continue to receive these payments even if he is confirmed as HHS Secretary. However, during his confirmation hearing, Mr. Kennedy initially appeared to agree to not accept any compensation from lawsuits against drug companies while serving as HHS Secretary, stating, “Well, I will certainly commit to that while I'm Secretary.” He then backtracked and did not clearly commit to ending this arrangement — through which he can profit off of anti-vaccine lawsuits even if he is confirmed as HHS Secretary. 

If Mr. Kennedy does maintain his financial stake in anti-vaccine lawsuits, he will have a serious conflict of interest. Senator Warren highlighted seven ways Mr. Kennedy could benefit financially from anti-vaccine lawsuits and increase his payouts, including: 

  • Publishing anti-vaccine conspiracies on government letterhead to influence juries;
  • Appointing anti-vaccine people to the CDC vaccine panel;
  • Opening vaccine manufacturers to lawsuits by removing vaccines from special compensation programs;
  • Making more injuries eligible for compensation even with no causal evidence;
  • Change vaccine court processes to make it easier to bring junk lawsuits to get vaccines pulled from the market; and 
  • Turn over FDA data to his connections at law firm Wisner Baum, for their use in lawsuits. 

Senator Warren also asked Mr. Kennedy if he would take responsibility for more than 80 deaths in Samoa after Mr. Kennedy spread anti-vaccine conspiracies in the country. Mr. Kennedy refused to take responsibility. 

Transcript: Hearing to consider the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., of California, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services
Senate Committee on Finance 
January 29, 2025

Senator Elizabeth Warren: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Kennedy, I want to start with something that I think you and I agree on: Big Pharma has too much power in Washington. You’ve said that, President Trump asked you to, “clean up corruption and conflicts.” Sounds great. You’ve said you will “slam shut the revolving door” between government agencies and the companies they regulate. That also sounds great.

So here’s an easy question: will you commit that when you leave this job, you will not accept compensation from a drug company, a medical device company, a hospital system, or a health insurer for at least four years—including as a lobbyist or board member? 

Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services: Can you just repeat the last part of the question? Can I commit to what?

Senator Warren: Sure, you’re not going to take money from drug companies in any way shape or form?

Mr. Kennedy: Who? Me? 

Senator Warren: Yes. You. 

Mr. Kennedy: I’m happy to commit to that.

Senator Warren: Good, that’s what I figured. I said, it’s an easy question to start with. And I think you’re right on this question – 

Mr. Kennedy: I don’t think any of them want to give me any money, by the way.

Senator Warren: Let’s keep going. You are right to say yes because every American has the right to know that every decision you make as our number one health officer is to help them—not to make money for yourself in the future.

So, I want to talk more about money. I’m looking at your paperwork right now. In the past two years, you’ve raked in $2.5 million from a law firm called Wisner Baum. You go online, you do commercials to encourage people to sign up with Wisner Baum to join lawsuits against vaccine makers. And for everyone who signs up, you personally get paid, and if they win their case, you get 10% of what they win. So, if you bring in someone who gets $10 million, you walk away with a million dollars. 

Now, you just said that you want the American people to know that you cannot be bought, your decisions won’t depend on how much money you could make in the future, you won’t go work for a drug company after you leave HHS. But you and I both know there’s another way to make money. 

So, Mr. Kennedy, will you also agree that you also won’t take any compensation from any lawsuits against drug companies while you are Secretary and for four years afterwards?

Mr. Kennedy: Well, I will certainly commit to that while I'm Secretary. But I do want to clarify something because you make me sound like a shill. I put together that case. I did the science day presentation to the judge on that case to get it into court, the docket hearing – 

Senator Warren: Mr. Kennedy, it’s just a really simple question. You’ve taken in $2.5 million, I want to know if you will commit right now that not only will you not go to work for drug companies, you won’t go to work suing the drug companies and taking your rake out of that while you are Secretary and for four years after.

Mr. Kennedy: I will commit to not taking any fees from drug companies while I’m Secretary. I –  

Senator Warren: No, I’m asking about fees from suing drug companies. Will you agree not to do that?

Mr. Kennedy: You are asking me to not sue drug companies, and I'm not going to agree to that – 

Senator Warren: No. You can sue drug companies as much as you want. 

Mr. Kennedy: I am not going to agree to not sue drug companies or anybody.

Senator Warren: So, let’s do a quick count here of how, as Secretary of HHS, if you get confirmed, you could influence every one of those lawsuits. Well, let me start the list.

You could publish your anti-vaccine conspiracies, but this time on U.S. government letterhead – something a jury might be impressed by. 

Mr. Kennedy: I don’t understand that.

Senator Warren: You could appoint people to the CDC vaccine panel who share your anti-vax views and let them do your dirty work.  

You could tell the CDC vaccine panel to remove a particular vaccine from the vaccine schedule.

You could remove vaccines from special compensation programs, which would open up manufacturers to mass torts.

You could make more injuries eligible for compensation even if there’s no causal evidence. 

You could change vaccine court processes to make it easier to bring junk lawsuits.

You could turn over FDA data to your friends at the law firm, and they could use it however it benefitted them.

You could change vaccine labelling.

You could change vaccine information rules. 

You could change which claims are compensated in the vaccine injury compensation program. 

There’s a lot of ways you can influence those future lawsuits and pending lawsuits while you are Secretary of HHS, and I’m asking you to commit right now that you will not take a financial stake in every one of those lawsuits so that what you do as Secretary will also benefit you financially down the line.

Mr. Kennedy: I will comply with all the ethical guidelines. 

Senator Warren: That’s not the question. You and I—you have said repeatedly—

Mr. Kennedy: You are asking me—Senator, you're asking me not to sue vaccine—pharmaceutical companies.

Senator Warren: No, I am not. My question is: stop enriching yourself.

Look, no one should be fooled here. As Secretary of HHS, Robert Kennedy will have the power to undercut vaccines and vaccine manufacturing across our country. And for all his talk about “follow the science” and his promise that he won’t interfere with those of us who want to vaccinate our kids, the bottom line is the same: Kennedy can kill off access to vaccines and make millions of dollars while he does it. 

Kids might die, but Robert Kennedy can keep cashing in. 

Mr. Kennedy: Senator, I support vaccines, I will—I support the childhood schedule, I will do that. The only thing I want is good science, and that’s it.

Senator Warren: How about then saying you won’t make money off what you do as Secretary of HHS?

Chair Mike Crapo: Before we go to Senator Tillis, I think it would be important for me to make it very clear that Mr. Kennedy has gone through the same Office of Government Ethics process as every single other nominee in the Finance Committee this year and in previous administrations. In addition to listing his assets, including the items that you've identified, he has signed an ethics letter that has been reviewed by the Office of Government Ethics concerning any possible conflict in light of its functions and the nominee's proposed duties. And we have a letter from the Office of Government Ethics that he has complied completely with all applicable laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest.

Senator Warren: Mr. Chairman, point of information here: have we had a single nominee come through who's made two and a half million dollars off suing one of the entities that it would be regulating and plans to keep getting a take of every lawsuit in the future? Have we had that before?

Chair Crapo: I haven't reviewed the past documentation of every other nominee's financial interests, and so no. But I know that every single time we get a nominee, their financial interests are attacked. That's why we have the Office of Government Ethics. That's why they've reviewed everything that's in his record, and that's why he has even—I think, and I don't know that I want to ask him to get into it—but he has listed his assets and has gone through a discussion of the responsibilities under our ethics laws and is complied with all of those requirements.

Round 2

Senator Warren: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Kennedy, I want to ask about your role in a 2019 measles outbreak in Samoa. In July 2018, two children died immediately after receiving a measles vaccine that nurses had mistakenly mixed with a muscle relaxant. The nurses get charged with manslaughter, but the vaccination rates go down. 

I asked you about this in my office. You told me flatly that your visit to Samoa had nothing to do with vaccinations. We now know that's not true. I have the documentation. You met with the Prime Minister, you talked about vaccinations. You met with an anti-vaccine influencer who described the meeting as “profoundly monumental for this movement.” 

So what happens? Vaccinations go down. There's a measles outbreak, and children start dying, but you double down. You didn't give up just four days after the Prime Minister declared a state of emergency. 16 people already dead. You sent a letter to him promoting the idea that the children had died not from measles but from a “defective vaccine.” You launched the idea that a measles vaccine caused these deaths. 

You are a very influential man. In fact, you are called the leader of the disinformation dozen. UNICEF and WHO, the World Health Organization, investigated this. They say the claims are false. It is not biologically possible what you claimed, and yet, ultimately, more than 70 people died because they didn't get vaccines. 

So my question is, do you accept even a scintilla, just even a sliver of responsibility for the drop in vaccinations and the subsequent deaths of more than 70 people? Anything you’d do differently?

Mr. Kennedy: No, absolutely not. After the—there were two incidents in which children died in 2015 and again in 2018. 2015, it was from the measles vaccine. That's what the New Zealand General Hospital found. The government of Samoa banned the measles vaccine after 2018. I arrived in July of the next year, after the ban had been in place for a year, and the measles—

Senator Warren: Mr. Chairman, understanding that you wanted to hold this to a minute, and then I don't get to present all the facts and documentation I've got. How about if we just decide to make entries for the record on exactly what the record shows about Mr. Kennedy's participation? And I think he's answered the yes or no question. He takes no responsibility. 

Chair Crapo: Senator Warren, we will do that. And Mr. Kennedy, and to all the senators, every senator knows that following this hearing, they will be able to ask you questions off the record, and you will be able to put answers back onto the record. So please give that answer. I apologize that we're shutting you off for giving a full response right now.


Here's some video coverage of the hearing. 

On the topic of Junior, if you missed it -- Rebecca didn't, see her "disgusting grifter glenn greenwald" -- the pathetic grifter Glenneth Greenwald's taken to attacking Caroline Kennedy and insisting -- wrongly -- that she knows nothing about healthcare.  We've actually worked on two healthcare issues together in the past, Caroline and I, so I can state for the record, that Caroline knows a great deal about healthcare.

But since the grifter is still around maybe it's time we take a look at him? 

If you need some good news -- and who doesn't -- Glenneth Greenwald -- professional liar and grifter -- is at war with his fellow transphobe Bari Weiss.  What happened?  Who cares, let's just enjoy the two pieces of trash as they fight over who is the bigger toady to Donald Chump.  (If you really do care, they've apparently split over Tulsi Gabbard and Glenneth mistakenly called Bari "Jane" confusing her with his previous rolldog hag). Let's  take a moment to address a few of his lies.  Rebecca looked at his WIKIPEDIA entry that he regularly scrubs.  He claims he was a Constitutional Law attorney.  


He didn't stand out in his classes and was better known for actions in the basement of a campus building.  But his ignorance of Constitutional Law is why he didn't practice Constitutional Law. He is not a Constitutional  Law attorney, that was not his speciality.  He did do a few cases he claimed were about the First Amendment.  

He claimed they were.  

Like Matthew Hale -- noted criminal and racist -- Glenneth defended him.  Of course he did, where there is racism, there is always Glenneth. Hale hates Black people and hates Jews -- he advocated for a "holy war" that would kill all Jews and all Black people.  Just the type of person you'd expect Glenneth to roll with.  WIKIPEDIA: 

In August 1989,[4] Hale entered Bradley University, studying political science.[4][10] After failing to form a "White Student Union" at Bradley, Hale attempted to lead a series of political organizations in a short period: He founded the American White Supremacist Party, but it failed to attract many members;[4] he then dissolved the AWSP in 1990[11] and attempted to form a chapter of the David Duke incarnation of the National Association for the Advancement of White People, but the chapter was not recognized by the national organization. In 1992 he declared himself the National Leader of the National Socialist White Americans' Party, without having any local members;[11][10] he disbanded that organization in 1995.[4]

Around 1990, Hale burned an Israeli flag[12] at a demonstration, leading to a fine from East Peoria for open burning. The next year, he passed out racist pamphlets to patrons at a shopping mall[citation needed] and was fined for littering. In May[citation needed] 1991, Hale and his brother allegedly threatened three African-Americans with a gun. Hale was arrested for mob action,[citation needed] and because he lied to police about his brother's whereabouts, he was also charged with felony obstruction of justice.[10] Hale was convicted of obstruction, but won a reversal on appeal. In 1992, Hale attacked a security guard at a mall and was charged with criminal trespassresisting arrestaggravated battery and carrying a concealed weapon. For this attack, Hale was sentenced to six months of house arrest and 30 months of probation.[11]

Meanwhile, by 1992, Hale had become involved with an organization called the Church of the Creator.[4] The church believed, and its successors believe, that a "racial holy war" is necessary to attain a "white world" without Jews and non-whites. To this end, it encourages its members to "populate the lands of this earth with white people exclusively."[13] The COTC's founder, Ben Klassen, committed suicide on August 7, 1993,[13] leaving the organization listless[11] and owing a default judgment of $1 million to the family of a murder victim.[13] Though this was the first such organization Hale had been involved in without appointing himself as leader, he soon achieved the same effect:[11] switching his leadership identity from a political party to religious, Hale dissolved his NSWAP and formed a "New" Church of the Creator in 1995 and told followers of Klassen's organization that Hale was the type of leader Klassen had wished for;[13] and in Montana on July 27, 1996, the COTC's Guardians of the Faith Committee renamed the organization to the "World Church of the Creator" and anointed Hale as "Pontifex Maximus".[4]
Hale began at the Southern Illinois University School of Law in 1995,[13] graduating in May 1998 and passing the Illinois state bar examination in July of the same year.[8][conflicted source?]
On December 16, 1998, the Illinois Bar Committee on Character and Fitness rejected Hale's application for a license to practice law. Hale appealed, and a hearing was held on April 10, 1999. On June 30, 1999, a Hearing Panel of the Committee refused to certify that Hale had the requisite moral character and fitness to practice law in Illinois.[14] Attorney Glenn Greenwald represented Hale in a failed federal lawsuit to overturn the licensing decision.[8] The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois concluded it did not have jurisdiction to review an earlier decision of the Illinois Supreme Court upholding the license denial.[15] The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that decision in an opinion filed on July 14, 2003.[15]

Two days after Hale was denied a license to practice law, a World Church of the Creator member and college student, Benjamin Smith, went on a three-day shooting spree in which he randomly targeted members of racial and ethnic minority groups in Illinois and Indiana. Smith killed two people and wounded ten others before committing suicide on July 4. Mark Potok, director of intelligence for the Southern Poverty Law Center, believes that Smith may have acted in retaliation after Hale's application to practice law was rejected.[16]

During a television interview in the summer of 1999,[full citation needed] Hale stated that his "church does not condone violent or illegal activities".[17

This was not a First Amendment case -- though Glenn argued it that way (poorly) and lost.  Free speech is a First Amendment issue.  No one stopped Hale's free speech.  But his speech and his criminal actions -- he was repeatedly arrested, he threatened Black people with a gun and when arrested lied to the police about his brother's whereabouts (his brother was part of the violence) leading to a conviction of obstruction that was later overturned.  He was put on probation.  He did this and he did that.

This was not a First Amendment case.  Again, Glenneth Idiot Greenwald tried to fight it that way.  He was wrong and it was wrong.  

The final verdict was, no surprise, the Illinois Bar Committee on Character and Fitness is a body created to determine whether or not someone was fit to practice law in Illinois.  He was not found fit to practice and that was based, yes, on statements.  But it was not based only on statements.  It was based on actions -- including the obstruction of justice charge (overturned but that only matters to a court, not to a licensing board) -- and many other issues.  

His actions, as well as his statements, made clear to the committee that Hale would not be appropriate as an officer of the court and that is not a Free Speech issue.  The court also rightly rejected the "due process" clause Glenneth went for as well.

He did not practice Constitutional Law (if you want to pretend he did, let's compromise with he didn't practice it accurately or well).  And he doesn't know Constitutional Law.  I actually excelled in it.  And that's why he came across our radar during the Valerie Plame scandal.  We were right.  We were legally sound.  Glenneth?  He was right up there with Jason Leopold.  Remember him?


On May 13, 2006, Leopold reported on Truthout that Karl Rove had been indicted by the grand jury investigating the Plame affair.[32] Rove spokesman Mark Corallo denied the story, calling it "a complete fabrication".[33] Truthout vigorously defended the story saying variously that it had two or three "independent sources", before the executive director, Marc Ash, issued a statement apologizing for “getting too far out in front of the news-cycle”. The grand jury concluded with no indictment of Rove.[34][35]

In his memoir, Courage and Consequence, Karl Rove addressed the Leopold article. Rove writes that Leopold is a "nut with Internet access" and that "thirty-five reporters called [Robert] Luskin or Corallo to ask about the Truthout report". According to Rove, "Fitzgerald got a kick out of the fictitious account and e-mailed Luskin to see how he felt after such a long day".[36

 For the record, I don't think Jason lied.  I think he was told that was coming.  And he ran with it because he's not really much of a journalist.  Like Glenneth, he believes (or believed then) what he's told and rushes it into print without any confirmation, any journalistic skepticism.  In other words Glenneth's the oldest member of the steno pool but he's not a journalist.

He is someone who, please remember, championed the Iraq War.  He loves to trash Cheney or whomever over the Iraq War but he championed it and argued for it.

In fairness to Glenneth, he's not the first to lie and claim he's a Constitutional attorney.  We also outed the liar at HARPER'S and he had to correct the record because, unlike Glenneth, he was still a practicing attorney.

You need to ask yourself why he's being brought on as a guest by various YOUTUBERS claiming to be of the left.

BREAKING POINTS.  DUE DISSIDENCE.  Even the kids at THE VANGUARD.  How are left 'friends' so taken in by such an obvious grifter?

In addition to Isaiah's comic noted at the top of the snapshot, Isaiah's  THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Trollop's Ready To Go Back To Work" also went up yesterday and the following sites updated: