I'm getting very sick of homophobic John Stauber. He's reTweeting garbage like this:
As long as the media and culture elevate these boutique issues, we'll never tackle more crucial issues, like affordable housing, hunger, healthcare and militarism. Perhaps that's the point?
people are not 'boutique issues.' Tell it to a non-African-American
because maybe they'll but it but I'm fully aware that you're willing to
jetison my rights at any moment to hold hands with the right-wing --
that was the point of the hideous DC rally last month. It's 'identity
politics' whenever it focuses on the rights of someone who is not a
straight, White male.
no reason in the world we can't fight for equality for all and address
other issues -- except that we won't get the fringe Nazis on our side
and that's more important to John Stauber than appealing to the masses.
He's not interested in building the left. He's interested in watering
it down to make things more acceptable for the racists and homophobes
and sexists.
John Stauber took George Soros money. That tells me all I need to know about him.
20 years ago when writing #WeaponsOfMassDeception it was lefties and progressives who were in the anti-war movement. Today those people are pro-war on #Russia, their brains rotted by #Trump’s rise and #Hillary’s #Russia-gate scam, coopted by #Obama and often on #Soros’ dole.

his own Tweet. 20 years ago? He has to go back that far because he
hasn't done anything in all the time since. But he wants to whine about
what happened in the 20 years where he did nothing. Maybe if he'd been
writing -- besides that same article over and over about how the US
didn't have a Chilcott inquiry -- during all that time -- not just
Tweeting like some Tween -- then he could have made a difference.
walks away and does nothing and then re-emerges to whine that some (he
thinks all) on the left bought into Russia-gate, et al.
This community didn't. And we didn't need right-wingers to know Russia-gate was a lie.
John Stauber's going to die being useless, it's his factory standard setting.
Here's C.I.'s "
Iraq snapshot
Wednesday, March 15, 2023. The antiwar movement? If you can't be honest about what happened to it, you're never going to revive it.
They're trying to protect children, right? That's the
lie the bigots keep repeating as they go after the LGBTQ+ community and
drag artists, that they're trying to protect children.
of protesters, including armed white supremacists, and LGBT-community
supporters descended on Wadsworth's Memorial Park on Saturday as a
humanist group tried to put on a drag queen storytelling event for
[. . .]
supremacist and white nationalist groups, including at least one
participant wearing a Proud Boys hoodie, shouted racist and homophobic
slurs at onlookers and others, including "Heil Hitler" and a man on a
loudspeaker who chanted "Sieg" as protesters responded: "Heil!"
waved swastika flags while chanting "there will be blood" on Saturday
during a protest against a drag queen story hour held in Wadsworth,
Ohio, just west of Akron.
[. . .]
events have been targeted by right-wing activists across the United
States in recent months, with a particular focus on those accessible to
children. In Tennessee, Republican lawmakers have voted to ban "adult cabaret performance" from public property, or any location which could be viewed by a child, with similar legislation being proposed in a number of other states like Kentucky and Oklahoma.
Footage from Saturday's event taken by documentary filmmaker Ford Fischer shows several different right-wing factions protesting against the drag show.
[. . .]
to the local website Cleveland.com, Aaron Reed, one of the drag show's
organizers, said: "This is where the civil rights struggle of our
generation is. Drag queens are not necessarily LGBTQ, but the Nazis
don't know that. They see them as a symbol of queer folk and whether we
like it or not, that's where the hate is focused right now."
are the supporters of Mother Tucker Carlson. People like the great
Glenneth Greenwald can't be saved, they're in their own hell. (At least
until Tucker stops booking Glenneth as a guest, then Glenneth will tell
us all just how much he hates Tucker -- the way he recently did with
Amy Goodman.) But you have to scratch your head over the John Stauber
going down that same hate highway.
Stauber used to present as a defender of people. Today, he's one
hopping the hatred caravan. I get it, John, a lot of fake asses are on
the left. And they worked to ostracize you. Doesn't defend your
minimizing the attacks on LGBTQ+ people or your pathetic and disgusting
embrace of racists. And I'm sorry, but I won't fall for your nuclear
I don't play
fear factor. And I'm also old enough to remember various causes --
including protesting apartheid -- that needed to wait because we could
have a nuclear war!!!!!
always nonsense. The fact that we might have a nuclear war is never a
reason to put off action on other issues. Tacking action on other
issues encourages actions on all issues -- Newton's First Law Of Motion:
A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
I've heard it before and it didn't intimidate me into silence back then nor does it today.
We have got to use our voices.
Tweeted recently, "I am so old I can remember when lefties and
progressives opposed the US establishment, its wars, propaganda and
corporate globalism."
And I
can remember when the turn happened and who led it. And thing is,
John, I called it out in real time while you never, ever did. You do a
few bitchy Tweets over a decade later but you'd never really address
it. To this day.
John, and you're such a coward that you can't talk about why that is.
In fact, you were among the cowards fleeing the stage when this
happened. That's what cowards do, after all.
didn't flee and I didn't lie. I stood in front of college audiences
who sometimes boo-ed but I still told them Barack Obama -- excuse me, St. Barack
-- was not the answer to any prayer and that they were being lied to,
hustled and fooled.
Would have really helped if you could have done that. But like Glenn Greenwald, you had no voice when it mattered.
The anti-war effort is dead!!!! That's what you scream, right? It's not dead, first off. It was weakened.
And it was weakened by whores you know very well, John . Matthew Rothschild, for example.
Does the left support wars and the US establishment?
shocked. Simply shocked. It's not like all of you whores didn't
encourage them to do that. That's what the selling of St. Barack was
all about.
The corporate media needs to answer for selling the Iraq War. We made that point yesterday.
Equally true, Panhandle
Media (Beggar Media, if you prefer) needs to answer for selling a
generation on the lie that Barack was anti-war, that Barack was brave,
that Barack cared about the American people. He didn't even care enough
to end veterans' homelessness -- after promising to do so. He knew the
media -- big and small -- would give him a pass as they always did.
he knew that you who screams about George Sorors would take Soros
money. Are we not talking about 2011? Is that off limits, John.
Sorry, I don't play well with others when others are whores.
Soros is someone I called out long ago. He made his money in an
unseemly manner and he thinks he can buy democracy and reshape it.
I was calling him out when you weren't. In fact, I was calling him out when you were taking his money.
John Stauber and people like him are why the wars drag on to this day.
deal with the Afghanistan War in two paragraphs counting this one. I
don't give Joe Biden much credit for anything. I will applaud him for
ending the Afghanistan War. I know that some whine that life is awful
in Afghanistan now and blah blah blah. It was awful before US troops
pulled out. Afghanistan was never 'liberated.' A city or two -- US
controlled -- had some pretense. But US forces were on the ground and
it never got better for the Afghanistan people.
long were US forces supposed to stay on the ground? Forever. For a
hundred years. What's the answer there? After two decades, there was
nothing that they could accomplish. It was foolish to keep them there.
It was financially unsound to continue the misadventure. Joe became
the first grown up in the room by ending that.
Iraq War continues. US forces continue to occupy Iraq. Western media
tries to pretend that only Iraqis linked to Iran oppose the US military
The resistance to the US presence has never crumbled in Iraq.
It did crumble in the US. If John has to lie about it today, that's your sign that he's not a truth teller.
In the immediate aftermath of Barack Obama's
election as president, the most prominent peace group announced they
were taking their toys and going home: United for Peace and Justice.
Fake ass Leslie Cagan and the others didn't have time for Iraq. They'd
used it to elect Democrats -- first allowing the party to take over
Congress in the 2006 mid-terms and now, in 2008, retain control of
Congress and add the White House.
Barack's victory, UFPJ insisted, meant all US troops would be coming home from Iraq.
They really were charlatans.
Their lie did more to destroy the peace movement than anything else.
we called it out in real time. We called it when it happened and we
continued to call it out over the years. Doing so in November of 2008
through most of 2012 was difficult because so many wanted to believe in
St. Barack. They'd been sold him by FAIR and UFPJ and THE NATION and
Amy Goodman and all the rest.
took years before a few others finally began to tell the truth. And
when it did come, the truth was delivered by smaller outlets. May
2011, RUSSIA TODAY's CROSSTALK explored the death of the antiwar movement in the United States in a story "ANTIWAR.RIP: AFTER 2 YEARS IN THE WHITE HOUSE BARACK OBAMA MADE BOTH OF BUSH WARS HIS OWN:"
Peter Lavelle: Alright, I
usually like to reward the person who had to get up earliest for this
program but we have two people from Los Angeles today. But I'm going to
go to Angela anyway. Uhm, I read Antiwar.com every single day, many
times a day, and you do a wonderful service. But you know, Antiwar.com,
that was something that really brought people together when Bush was
going to war, an illegal war that he was pushing and mainstream followed
along. And now, and I think you're a wonderful success, but where is
the antiwar movement today? We have a lot more war. If you read
Antiwar.com, the United States is contemplating military action in even
more places right now beyond Libya. So Angela, what happened?
Keaton: Well -- and I owe one of these anwers to one of these guests
here today -- but the sobering, unfortunate answer is that
neoconservatives and nationalists were right, it was an anti-Bush
movement more than it was an antiwar movement. And that's where it
went. Barack Ob -- Partisanship is so strong in the US and Democrats
are so wedded to Barack Obama and so afraid of weakening him, they will
put up with any number of moral indecency to allow him to keep his
vaunted position, including the situation and also because Barack Obama
-- there's no leadup, public leadup to Libya, so there's no chance for
organization. The fact that Democrats are afraid to criticize Obama and
the fact that there was so little public debate on Libya says really
terrible things about the future of democracy in the US. So this is a
very -- it's actually, the whole situation is a bit of a microcosm, a
reflection of what I think is actually going on in the US right now.
Lavelle: Thaddeus, if I can go to you, too, also in Los Angeles. The
empire -- it's appetite for war is insatiable. So was the antiwar
movement really all about George W. Bush -- as Angela pointed out and as
I'm sure Michael's going to tell us in a few minutes? Go ahead.
Russell: I agree with everything that Angela said. I think that, in a
large part, the antiwar movement during Bush was really about,
unfortunately, personality in a sense. He was seen as sort of this
disreputable, low brow Texan who was very crude in his ways but what
we've gotten is an imperialist who is actually very refined and very
articulate. And I would just say, liberals now are basically the more
effective -- and always have been -- the more effective imperialists
than conservatives who usually tend to use brute force and very crude
rhetoric. So that, I think, is one reason but we can talk about many
others for why there is no antiwar movement and why there are actually
more wars now than before.
October 29, 2014, Ashley Smith wrote at the now defunct US SOCIALIST WORKER:
Liberal antiwar figures and organizations have consistently failed to grasp the nature of U.S. imperialism and the central role within it played by the Democratic Party.
The most important liberal antiwar coalition in the era of the "war on terror," United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), effectively closed up shop in 2008 with the election of Barack Obama--because its leaders believed that Obama and the Democrats would bring an end to Bush's wars.
Based on these illusions, it stopped organizing even before Obama
withdrew from Iraq, failed to revive in opposition to his dramatic
escalation of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, and did nothing to oppose his
ever-expanding drone war. Today, support for Obama continues to
paralyze many liberals from effectively opposing his imperialist
these 'brave' voices want to say the peace movement is destroyed, they
want to pretend like left activists just lost interest.
No, they were told to go home. They were told everything was taken care of.
to that, United for Peace and Justice was engaging in battles with ANSWER. UFPJ wasn't a
real group. They were a collective dedicated to electing Democrats --
that's why NOW was part of it. The National Organization of Women never
again pretended to care about war after Barack got into the White
And let's remember
as well that people didn't want to call out Barack. They might get
booed. Oh, the horror. I can take a crowd booing -- and I can usually
turn them around and get them on my side. But these cowards were too
afraid to take on Barack. That sent a message as well.
Bully Boy Bush occupied the White House, we spoke in a loud voice and
made demands. When Barack became president, these cowards offered the most
tentative criticism of him, they minimized and excused his actions over and over.
In 2011, Dahlia Wasfi spoke with Press TV (link has video that is not working currently)
about the so-called withdrawal and stated, "We've heard time and again
that when we reach a certain benchmark, US forces will withdraw from
Iraq, but as most things that have come out of the mouth of the United
States' government, it's dishonest. [. . .] We [US] intend to stay there
as basically the vice-royalty in Iraq, as a colonial presence." Dahlia was a strong voice and a rare voice.
biggest 'independent' media outlets elected to ignore Iraq after Barack
was elected. After Barack left the White House, liars couldn't tell
you reality. They'd been lying too long. Which is how THE NATION ended
up with a garbage editorial by Phyllis Bennis that we call out in the February 22, 2018 snapshot:
It's a curious editorial -- one that leaves the impression that the Iraq War is over.
If it's over, Phyllis, why are US troops still on the ground in Iraq.
The editorial hits new lows of whorishness as it names various people -- all Republicans. I'm sorry, Phyllis, but it was the Democratically controlled Senate, in 2002, that voted for the Iraq War. Not only does she ignore that [fact], she also ignores certain key others.
were supposed to applaud the garbage as these 'anti-war' voices
re-emerged and wanted to talk Iraq but their knowledge base ended in
2008. They're the ones who destroyed the peace movement.
They ran cover for Barack. They didn't confront him. Not even Susan
I-Need-Attention Davis went for attention until May 2013 -- a year after
Barack re-elected to a second term. She finally showed up to challenge
him as he spoke (about Guantanamo which he never closed). From the May 23, 2018 snapshot:
Instead of recognizing that fact, Barack, in his speech today, once
again pretended that Congress was preventing anyone from leaving
US President Barack Obama: I am appointing a new, senior envoy at the State Department and Defense Department whose sole responsibility will be to achieve the transfer of detainees to third countries. I am lifting the moratorium on detainee transfers to Yemen, so we can review them on a case by case basis. To the greatest extent possible, we will transfer detainees who have been cleared to go to other countries.
Medea Benjamin: 86 are cleared already! Release them today!
US President Barack Obama: Where appropriate we will bring terrorists to justice in our courts and our military justice system. And we will insist that judicial review be available to every detainee -
Medea Benjamin: It's --
US President Barack Obama: Now, ma'am, let me finish. Let me finish. Let me finish, ma'am. This is part of free speech. You being able to speak. But also you listening and me being able to speak.
Flaunting their great ignorance, his howler monkeys applauded. No, free speech does not include that Barack gets to "finish." He wasn't interested in the woman finishing -- and doesn't that say it all? Or, as Gilda Radner once put it on Saturday Night Live, "You selfish porkface, now I'll never be satisfied." But the Constitution does not have a clause allowing anyone the right to finish. Barack is such an idiot and the encouragement of this stupidity by the Cult of St. Barack goes a long way towards explaining why the administration is currently up to the neck in scandals.
El Paso Inc notes Barack also referred to the 68-year-old Medea Benjamin as "young lady." I guess we should be grateful he didn't call her "sweetie" or "best looking" or suggest that "periodically when she's feeling down . . ."
It's a historic moment for Medea Benjamin and CODEPINK -- it only took them five years to confront President Barack Obama. In 2008, as Medea's co-founder Jodie Evans was bundling billions for Barack's campaign (and forgetting to reveal it to the rank and file in CODEPINK), she and Medea ordered 'bird dogging' of Barack's chief rival in the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination Hillary Clinton. They attacked Hillary repeatedly, busting up one event after another. They never did the same to Barack, not even after he was elected. Some argued that CODEPINK was afraid to confront a bi-racial man. That argument holds no water because they never worried how racist it might look for the various White women attacking African-American Condi Rice repeatedly in public. No, they didn't attack him or hold him to any standard because they elected him, they used their organization to destroy his rivals and to put him into office.
US President Barack Obama: I am appointing a new, senior envoy at the State Department and Defense Department whose sole responsibility will be to achieve the transfer of detainees to third countries. I am lifting the moratorium on detainee transfers to Yemen, so we can review them on a case by case basis. To the greatest extent possible, we will transfer detainees who have been cleared to go to other countries.
Medea Benjamin: 86 are cleared already! Release them today!
US President Barack Obama: Where appropriate we will bring terrorists to justice in our courts and our military justice system. And we will insist that judicial review be available to every detainee -
Medea Benjamin: It's --
US President Barack Obama: Now, ma'am, let me finish. Let me finish. Let me finish, ma'am. This is part of free speech. You being able to speak. But also you listening and me being able to speak.
Flaunting their great ignorance, his howler monkeys applauded. No, free speech does not include that Barack gets to "finish." He wasn't interested in the woman finishing -- and doesn't that say it all? Or, as Gilda Radner once put it on Saturday Night Live, "You selfish porkface, now I'll never be satisfied." But the Constitution does not have a clause allowing anyone the right to finish. Barack is such an idiot and the encouragement of this stupidity by the Cult of St. Barack goes a long way towards explaining why the administration is currently up to the neck in scandals.
El Paso Inc notes Barack also referred to the 68-year-old Medea Benjamin as "young lady." I guess we should be grateful he didn't call her "sweetie" or "best looking" or suggest that "periodically when she's feeling down . . ."
It's a historic moment for Medea Benjamin and CODEPINK -- it only took them five years to confront President Barack Obama. In 2008, as Medea's co-founder Jodie Evans was bundling billions for Barack's campaign (and forgetting to reveal it to the rank and file in CODEPINK), she and Medea ordered 'bird dogging' of Barack's chief rival in the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination Hillary Clinton. They attacked Hillary repeatedly, busting up one event after another. They never did the same to Barack, not even after he was elected. Some argued that CODEPINK was afraid to confront a bi-racial man. That argument holds no water because they never worried how racist it might look for the various White women attacking African-American Condi Rice repeatedly in public. No, they didn't attack him or hold him to any standard because they elected him, they used their organization to destroy his rivals and to put him into office.
was a thriving peace movement and then it was steered into elect Barack
Obama. It never recovered from that whoring. It never recovered from a
bunch of whores who repeatedly spent years covering for Barack,
excusing Barack, etc, etc.
like Norman Solomon who used their platforms in 'independent media' to
whore for Barack. Norman was smarter than most. When appearing in
corporate media in 2008, he would disclose that he was a delegate -- a
pledged delegate for Barack Obama -- but when showing up on the PACIFICA
RADIO programs and its ilk, he'd never disclose that. In fact, PACIFICA
RADIO did a whole debate 'analysis' for two hours and every guest on it
was a Barack supporter but the listeners weren't allowed to know that
and Larry Bensky didn't feel that was information that needed to be
Let's note SHADOW PROOF's video on the peace movement that streamed this week.
The following sites updated:
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