That's Isaiah's latest THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "The Ladies Of THE PEW."
What did you watch, if anything, over the weekend?
Because of Ava and C.I.'s piece at THIRD (should go up tonight), I
watched Lou on Netflix. It picks up where the last series left off.
Lou Grant is now an angry man having burned his TV bridges after leaving
Minneapolis and moving into print. But now print's seen its day and at
150, he's thought to be out of touch with the zeitgeist and today's
younger generation. In an effort to become 'of the times,' Lou Grant
gets both nipples pierced and a prince albert before rushing off to the
street in booty shorts as he prepares to take over Tik-Tok. Things do
not go as planned, so he goes out for vengeance for all who have worked
against him and stolen. He ends up at Candice Bergan's home and
confronts her over how Murphy Brown was nothing but a half-assed rip off
of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. He squeezes her throat until her head
pops off and then he goes after a series of actors and actresses
culminating with his attacking Billy Eichner as Billy films another
episode of Billy On The Street.
Cox sees the violence and hurries over to save Billy. She calls Lou
Grant an "old man" prompting Ed Answer to launch into a big winded reply
of how, if he were in politics, they'd be calling him ''The Kid." At
that point, Laverne rolls Asner onto his back and he turtles thereby
ending the show.
seriously, Lou is a film on Netflix starring Allison Janey as Lou -- a
strange and disconnected old woman who ends up trying to help her
neighbor when her neighbor's kid gets kidnapped. It moves fairly
quickly and is entertaining enough but I enjoyed Blackout on Netflix
more. It stars Josh Duhamel as a man who has lost his memory and now
people are trying to kill him. It would actually make a strong series.
no book discussion at Third, this week; however, Ava and C.I. did write
a must-read book review so look for that as well.
Monday, October 17, 2022. Barham Salih has another public hissy fit,
$2.5 billion disappears from the Iraqi government, the western press
struggles with anogognosia psychosis, and much more.
Let's start off with the press' anosognosia psychosis.
week, US President Joe Biden yet again wrongly stated that his son Beau
Biden died in Iraq and the press has been itself into pretzels trying
to insist that the emperor had clothes on. No, he didn't. He has a
break with reality and needs to be removed from office.
did not die in Iraq and the more you humor Joe, the more of a whore you
look like. Even if you want to argue that the cancer Beau died of
resulted from exposure to burn pits in Iraq, Beau still didn't die in
Iraq. He left Iraq in 2009 and he died in 2016.
came back to the US and won another term as attorney general in Iowa.
It was that second term that enraged many when he let a predator walk. From WIKIPEDIA on Dupont heir Robert H. Richards IV:
In 2009, he entered a guilty plea and was convicted of raping his 3-year-old daughter,[1][5][6][7][8][9] after the girl reported the abuse to her grandmother.[4] Instead of serving out his eight-year prison sentence, the sentencing order signed by Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan R. Jurden said that the "defendant will not fare well" in prison and thus the eight-year sentence was suspended.[5][7][9][10]
Delaware Public Defender Brendan J. O'Neill expressed surprise that
Jurden would use such a rationale to avoid sending Richards to prison.[5][7]
In 2010, allegations were made that Richards had also molested his son beginning in December 2005 and continuing for two years.[1][6][4] Police and prosecutors investigated but did not find sufficient evidence to pursue charges.[6] Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden
later defended the sentencing of Richards to probation, claiming there
was a strong chance of the prosecution losing at trial making a plea
bargain necessary.[11] Although Richards was ordered by Jurden to go through in-patient treatment at a Massachusetts facility, he has failed to do so.[12][11]
In 2014, Richards' former wife, Tracy Richards, filed a lawsuit seeking damages for the abuse of his daughter.[1][5][8][9][10]
The lawsuit also claims that the polygraph tests Richards took in April
2010 during his probation supported allegations that he had molested
his son.[1][6][4][8][9] These reports were provided to Jurden.[11]
In April 2014, Superior Court Judge Richard F. Stokes denied Richards'
request to seal the court files, stating that the proceedings were open
to the public and this was a First Amendment issue.[12] By the end of June 2014, it was reported that a sealed confidential settlement had been reached on the lawsuit.[13]
Critics questioned if Richards's wealth and prominence led to unfair preference in the legal system.[7][14] The case was compared to Ethan Couch, whose "affluenza" defense infamously earned him probation for killing four people while driving intoxicated.[14]
That's nothing to be proud of. Wonder where Beau learned that it was okay to let a predator off scott free?
We're not done with the psychosis of the press.
What can we do with Clemence Michallon? Not shoot her
with a camera -- have you seen that nose and chin/ Like many a
looks-challenged person, she sought out print media and now she writes
garbage for England's INDEPENDENT newspaper. It's not really
independent. For all the whoring in the early '00s about that paper,
the reality is they weren't calling out the Iraq War. In fact, their
leading columnist -- a Tony Blair obsessed writer -- was calling for the
war. Clemence isn't that damaging -- but almost.
Her latest garbage -- and remember, this is a British paper -- includes this:
remains unclear what part of that call Fox News thought was so richly
deserving of a call-out. Was it the very human fact that Hunter Biden,
like tens of thousands of Americans, found himself struggling with
substance abuse – a fact he and his family have addressed openly
multiple times, including when Hunter detailed his road to sobriety in
his 2021 memoir? Or was it that Joe Biden – the US president, the
commander-in-chief – dared speak to his son with genuine love and
sentiment? Or was it a bit of both?
[. . .]
a well known fact in the world of substance abuse advocacy that
substance abuse is a disease, not a moral failing – not that you would
know it watching Fox News. We’re all vulnerable to it. Almost 92,000
people died of drug overdoses in
the US in 2020, and they are now the leading cause of accidental deaths
in the country. How could anyone think that a president responding with
open love and compassion to his son’s struggles is in any way shameful?
If anything, I hope it might make others feel less alone, and possibly
provide them with a template to communicate their own support to their
own loved ones.
those of you who feel you can't enjoy it because it's the awful
INDEPENDENT (they have a war with the online world -- the US-based
DATALOUNGE is only one of many sites fighting back), please note the
link goes to YAHOO's re-posting of their bad article.
What do you say to someone as stupid as they are ugly?
'This is mocking people with addiction issues!'
you stupid idiot, it's not. First off, accountability. Rigorous
honesty. Don't write another damn word about substance abuse advocacy
until you know something about recovery.
never gotten honest. And the press didn't demand that he do so. I'm
not even talking about the laptop and about how he sold access to his
father -- which is illegal -- and how Joe knew about it all along (they
had shared accounts, buy a damn clue if you're still in denial). I'm
talking about his behaviors. I'm talking about prostitutes. I'm
talking about illegal activities.
not only is Hunter not practicing rigorous accountability, when these
issues pop up, trash like dog-face Clemence show up to insist that
discussing these details, raising them, is awful and hideous. I pointed
out here how wrong this was years ago and it's still going on and it's
still wrong.
He has nothing to do with his child. His parents (Joe and Jill) have nothing to do with his child.
It's not Navy Joan's fault that she was conceived during one of Hunter's never-ending benders.
Clemence wants to act concerned, how about showing concern for a true
innocent. Navy Joan is a Biden. She gets nothing from that family.
They refuse to invite her to activities. Her grandfather is the
president of the United States and this family is getting away with
slighting her on the world stage. It's outrageous. Even with that big
nose on her face, Celemence should be able to see that.
instead she wants to pretend she understands addiction when she doesn't
understand a damn thing. It's outrageous when people like her try to
speak to this issue without knowing anything. See Ruth's "
Jill Biden is a lousy grandmother" for more on
the topic of Navy Joan but start asking yourself what type of person
you really are if you're choosing to pretend that it's normal for this
little girl to be rejected by the Biden family? If you really think
that it is, you're sicker than Celemence.
buy a clue, Hunter is still active in his disease. Any counselor would
have made clear to him that he shouldn't get married until he had
significant sobriety under his belt.
is not going to meetings and he's relapsing as we speak.
AFP reports:
Iraqi authorities are investigating the "theft" of $2.5 billion from the
tax authority, officials said Sunday, in the latest corruption case to
hit the country.
State news agency INA reported Saturday that an internal probe by the
finance ministry found the money had been withdrawn from the agency's
account at a state-owned bank.
has one of the most corrupt governments in the world -- as ranked by
Transparency International. The Iraqi people suffer and the government
rips everyone off. Over and over.
REUTERS notes:
Local media have published a document from the tax authority showing
the money had been withdrawn between September 2021 and August 2022.
It had been transferred to the accounts of five companies using 247 cheques, and immediately withdrawn from those accounts.
“Who are the real owners of these companies?” asked Iraqi political
analyst Sajad Jiyad on Twitter. “Who authorised these cheques to be
given to the companies? How did it go undetected for a year, and which
politicians are complicit?”
Ihsan Ismail, the recently discharged acting finance minister,
pointed to a ‘specific group’ in a statement, without elaborating.
Iraq’s prime minister-designate Mohammed Shia Al Sudani
vowed on Sunday to act against corruption after authorities announced
nearly $2.5 billion was embezzled from the account of a government
Iraqi Integrity Commission announced it was opening an investigation
into the theft of 3.7 trillion dinars, while confirming that the case is
currently before the judiciary.
amount was stolen from the General Tax Authority's trust account held
by a branch of the Rafidain Bank, according to the Iraqi finance
going to act against corruption? They've been saying that since Nouri
al-Maliki in 2006. So far, it's just been words. Maybe that won't be
the case with Mohammed Shia al-Sudani? Time will tell.
Mustafa remains the 'caretaker' prime minister at present and
he is in charge, it happened on his watch. But, again, it's happened on
everyone's watch.
It took a year and three days after the election, but Ira finally
announced a new president yesterday. The moment was not without drama.
ALJAZEERA reports, "Rashid replaced fellow Iraqi Kurd Barham Saleh
as head of state after the two-round vote in parliament on Thursday,
winning more than 160 votes against 99 for Saleh, an assembly official
said. Saleh reportedly walked out of the parliament building as the
votes were tallied." Saleh finally leaves. He wasn't content to be
president of Iraq, he tried to ignore the Constitution during his tenure
and elevate the position of president to that of prime minister. A
complicit foreign media helped him out -- in part to make it appear Iraq
was more stable than it actually was.
Saleh's hissy fit might make some believe that Abdul is from a different political party. Nope. PUK.
President Latif Rasheed officially assumed his duties in Baghdad on Monday in the absence of his predecessor Barham Salih.
In a formal ceremony held in Peace Palace in Baghdad’s Jadiriyah
neighborhood, the 78-year-old president was inaugurated as the 10th
president of the country.
The national anthem was played as President Rasheed inspected the
Guards of Honor. First Lady Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed took part in the
presidential inauguration as well.
THE NATIONAL also notes Salih's hissy fit, "Mr Salih, who received 99 votes in both rounds, did not attend the handover ceremony."
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