That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "The Coquette Campaigners" that went up tonight.
Love it.
I also love karma. War Mongerer Down! Nicholas Kristof cheered on the deaths of so many people from his post as a New York Times columnist. He had a lot of idiotic woman fawning over him at one point. I believe the last idiot remaining is Mia Farrow. Well he stepped away from NYT because he just knew he could be the next governor of Oregon. How did that work out? AP reports:
The Oregon Supreme Court ruled Thursday that former New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof doesn’t meet the state’s three-year residency requirement to run for governor, leaving the former candidate with a sizable war chest and no plans for the future.
The justices upheld a decision in January by Oregon election officials that the former journalist did not meet the qualifications, citing in particular that Kristof voted in New York in 2020.
“The choice of where to register (to vote) is a meaningful one, as it provides evidence of the political community to which a person feels the greatest attachment,” the court said in its opinion.
Kristof, who moved to a farm near Yamhill, Oregon, with his parents when he was 12 and had kept and expanded the property as an adult, announced his candidacy last October. That same month, The New York Times announced he resigned after a decades-long career that saw him win two Pulitzer Prizes, including one with his wife, former correspondent Sheryl WuDunn.
Nick Kristof is a piece of trash who cheered on wars and who bought sex workers. He is an imperialist. Oregon dodged a bullet.
Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Thrusday, February 17, 2022. The older I ge (and the more years online I rack up), the tireder I get of dumb bitches -- especially ones who distract from real issues and think we need them to tell us how to vote.
Liza Minnelli won her Academy Award for the film CABARET. In the film, she sings "Maybe This Time."
Maybe this time, he'll stay
Maybe this time, for the first time
Love won't hurry away
I'll be home at last
Not a loser anymore
Like the last time
And the time before
-- "Maybe This Time," written by John Kander and Fred Ebb, first recorded by Liza eight years before CABARET on her deubt album LIZA! LIZA!
It's a song about a fool for love and most of us have been there at one time or another but most of us learn from an expeirence and don't repeat it over and over again.
As it's pointed out in the video below, how we tell ourselves that this time will be different, there's something more pathetic than being a fool for love: Being a fool for a political party.
There are some people we're not currently noting -- some of whom we're not noting because of REVOLUTIONARY BLACKOUT's previous video on this topic.
I'm a grown up. I don't need to be told what to do. That includes being told who to vote for. I've endorsed very few candidates here. I endorsed Kevin De Leon in 2018. We had people sticking their noses in our business, which is bad enough. I don't endorse in any race I can't vote in. But, for example, Amy SUskind decided we need her bitchery. We didn't. I hope she didn't think we needed her intelligence because she declared that supporting Kevin in the primary would mean that we'd have a Republican running against newbie Kevin and that Republican might end up the seantor!
Uh, no, tich. No.
Stay the f**k out of races you can't vote in. Why? For one thing, you don't what the hell you're talking about.
Amy's not voting in California so she wanted to share ''knowledge.''
Stupid idiot.
In California, party id does not determine who gets on the general election ballot for US senate.
Amy and other idiots were insisting that it was also age-ist to oppose Dianne. How did the Brett Kavanaugh hearings go again?
Was Dianne up for them?
No, she wasn't. And many of us were raising that point in 2018 when there was a clear choice and a strong candidate.
Instead, we now have 88-year-old Dianne in the US Senate. A dottering fool who the Senate Dems have to manuever out of this decision and that decision because she's not up for the job.
I'm really opposed to people thinking their job is to tell other adults how to vote.
So Katie's bulls**t with Marianne Williamson and others has led to them being largely ignored and we post other people's videos.
I'm also not interested in Danny Haiphong currently. We posted him from Richard Medhurst's show and if that had been other show, we wouldn't have.
Danny can cool his heels for about a month.
Logically, I do have to ask why a non-African-American is the focus and host of the podcast/YOUTUBE program from BLACK AGENDA REPORT.
Sorry, I thought the whole point -- and I believe this was the point of Glen Ford's career long before he co-founded BAR -- was to give African-Americans a seat at the table.
Since Glen's death, Danny stepped into the spotlight and taken over. If he has that much energy, maybe he should start his own outlet? Let BAR be led by African-Americans? Keep the "Black" in BLACK AGENDA REPORT?
Or is that too much to ask for?
At any rate. Susan Sarandon made a comment -- I didn't see it or read it -- and ended up deleting her Tweet. It offended some people.
Danny called her out for it.
That was last week.
This week, he blasted her for it again.
I'm not in the mood, you dumb idiot piece of trash.
That's what you are if you're going after Susan.
The impression by the idiots in Danny's crowd appears to be that Susan is a coward -- I'd love to see them stand publicly , even once, just as strongly as Susan has.
She delted the Tweet that people took offense to. He assumeds it's because she's a coward.
As I've noted here many times -- and we did call Susan out over something here publicly -- Susan is not rigid. If she feels she's wronged soemeone or taken the wrong position, she will give it a lot of thought. Sometiems, she will realize that it was wrong and she'll make it better. Sometimes, she'll realize that it really did hurt someone deeply and that, in terms of humanity, it's just not worth it so she'll be the bigger person and move to put it behind her.
So, first off, Danny, there is a simple and non-trashing her option on why she did what she did.
Now maybe she did it for 'cowardly' reasons as Danny just knows because he knows everything right. I eman, I speak to Susan often but I'm sure Danny speaks her to daily, right? I'm sure Danny's been friends with her for years, right? I''m sure Danny's shared many a laugh with her -- as I have -- over what an idiot Jay Bernstein was, right?
but Danny just knows he knows her and just knows that he can peer in her heart and that cowardice made her back off from her Tweet.
If it did, so damn what?
How much scorn is she supposed to take? How much abuse is she supposed to endure?
She's a highly talented actress, one of her best of her generation, and she doesn't work near as much as she should because she's taken positions that outrage the simpletons.
Do you want her to kill her career over a Tweet?
You know, Danny, maybe she could do like you and cozy up to a man and wait for him to die and then seize control of the empire the man built.
Is that what she should do?
I don't like dDanny. I said he was an opportunist before Glen died. When Glen died and Danny had hisTwitter-bitch storm aimed at Jared Ball, I tried to be fair and just note nicely that Jared had every right to share whatever memory of Glen Ford that he wanted to.
But as Danny gets more and more extreme in his mistaken belief that he knows everything and that he has the power to peer into people's hearts and souls, I think that was a mistake. I think I really should have called him out.
And I will stand by my comment that any program from BLACK AGENDA REPORT needs to be centered on an African-American host. If you're not doing that, then the whole point of Glen Ford's lifetime work in the media is being undermined.
I'll make that point and I'll be very sad that I'm the one that has to do so because that point should be rather obvious to everyone without anyone having to say it outloud.
So for four years of Doanld in the White House, we couldn't deal with real issues. We dealt with partisanship and gossip and nonsense.
And we wasted, as humans, four damn years. Maybe you've got more years to waste, I sure don't. And I'm damn tired of being online as it is.
I am not in the mood for a bunch of White women with one token person of color showing up to tell us how we need to vote and how we need to be excited about this candidate or get behind that one.
Honestly and truly, F**K YOU.
Not one of you wmen bother to cover Iraq. You can't even do one show a month on Iraq. For Marianne, that might be a good thing because when she covered Afghanistan she thought the way to do tht was to bring on someone who invaded that country. Not a woman from Afghanistan. No, we must not let them speak for themselves, apparently. So let's instead bring on American to filter all of our knowledge through. The stupidity and, yes, racisim of that action still appalls me. And you can read that snapshot -- I'm laughing right now as I dictate this, just from remembering dictating that -- and grasp that the more I go on, the angrier I got about it.
There are wars that you are not even covering. There are issues issuges that you are falt out ignoring. And you bitches think you're time is best used telling adults how to vote?
Best used for whom?
For Marianne? She got an MSNBC appearance out of it so I can see how she benefited.
I don't see how the public did.
REVOLUTIONARY BLACKOUT is raising serious issues on this and how we move forward, how we learn from the past, how we own our power. You can also stream this clip.
There are real issues to address and the whoring Katie and the other women involved are doing is embarrassing.
Now an e-mail wanted t o whine about Tuesday's snapshot and how I said we should have been focused on issues and we should have been fighting issues -- not spreading rumos about false pee-tapes and the other nonsense. I noted we managed to push back on Ronald REagan -- a very frightening Republican who was popular with a number of Americans as well as strongly embraced by the media. But we still managed to push back and fight on issues during that.
The e-mailer took offense to it and wanted me to know that Richard Nixon -- whom I didn't even mention -- was a more educated Rpeublican than what we have today.
Richard was a crook. Who should have been in prison.
John Dean and other whores -- some like John are convicted felons -- have worked overtime to try to lie and reshape Tricky Dick.
He was vile and evil. He didn't give a damn about the ecology, for example.
The reason some can cite his record on that is becaus epeople were in the streets. People were fighting on issues and Tricky DIck had to find something to satisfy them.
Real issues and real opposition does matter. Faux 'resistance' doesn't and we have four years to demonstrate that.
WE accomplished nothing to save our planet -- and haven't under Joe.
I'm tired of people who keep whoring their time out and pretending that this time will be different, this time, this time.
We're back to Liza.
The world is in danger and idiots waste their time whoring for politicians. If you're going to get screwed, at least get some satisfcation it -- but, as anyone can tell you, any politician is only focused on their own Big O. It's no suprise tht the US government -- Dems and Republicans -- set up a government in Iraq that does nothing to protect the Iraqi people. Nicole Di Ilio (AL-MONITOR) reports:
Peering beyond the towering reedbeds, Abbas Al-Mousawi watches his buffaloes drink from the putrid waters of the Chibayish marsh. Each sip his animals take raises his anxiety. “It’s almost impossible to find a clean pool here,” says the 45-year-old breeder as he paddles his mashouf – a traditional boat similar to a canoe. “The water is just bad. It gushes out of waste pipes into the swamp. It’s disgusting.”
Mousawi and his animals live in the Mesopotamian Marshes, a fabled corner of Iraq known throughout the ages as a waterway that could sustain man and beast and populations across the country’s southern deserts. Until recent decades, it offered a vast and reliable supply of water, the end of the line for Iraq’s two great rivers after their epic journeys through Turkey, Syria and Iraq’s deserts.
But, perhaps more than any other time in history, the marshes are in peril. Prolonged drought, regional standoffs, political negligence and climate change are combining to create intolerable stress on one of the region’s most important ecosystems.
What was once a pristine waterway is now a toxic wasteland. Whatever water reaches the marshes is considered a public health risk. The United Nations has classified Iraq as the fifth-most vulnerable country in the world to climate change. The effects have been clear over the past 15 years, with lower rainfalls, and longer and hotter heat waves. In some years, water has barely covered 30 percent of the original wetlands, which were replaced by dry cracking earth that locals had never seen before.
The shortage was in part caused by dams blocking the flow of the Euphrates before it continued its journey south. Sporadic rains also played a part. But more concerning for farmers like Mousawi was the state of the water when it reached him. “All around the sewerage pipes, most of the fish die,” he says, pointing to the rotting fish floating near the surface. “What are we going to see in the future?”
A group of American bitches want to waste their own time whoring -- and your time streaming -- about a bunc hof candidates but they don't say a word about the women being murdered in Iraq. Layal Shakir (RUDAW) reports:
A woman was shot dead by her husband in Sulaimani province late
Wednesday night, a security official told Rudaw as the Kurdistan Region
adds another brutal murder of a woman to its never-ending list of honor
killings and gender-based violence deaths.
Maryam Yacoob, 40, was gunned down by her husband, Sulaimani police spokesperson Sarkawt Ahmad told Rudaw.
The husband was also reported dead after he shot himself shortly afterwards, the official added.
The details of the incident and the reason behind the murder remain
unknown for the public, but crimes of this kind are very common in the
Kurdistan Region.
This week alone, four women were killed in different circumstances in
a series of gender-based killings across the Kurdistan Region.
Yacoob was a lecturer at Sulaimani’s Komar University of Science and
Technology and a postgraduate student at the University of Sulaimani.
Social media in the Kurdistan Region has been overcome with anger and grief as a result of the recent increase in female killings.
The following sites updated:
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