- Rebecca Pierce @aptly_engineerdThis Alice Walker thing is really fucking sad and it makes me angry that she can’t see that the anti-Jewish conspiracies she uplifted and adopted are part of the same white supremacist power structure she so deftly fought through her written work in the past
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Do you think it somehow is linked to her pro-Palestinian positions? -
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That’s an oversimplification. Black Palestine solidarity is based on decades long relationships, not white supremacist conspiracy theories. She might think she’s supporting Palestinians by sayin this stuff, but she’s just hurting all of us
Certainly. I’m not claiming these positions are necessarily linked, but does anti-semitism exist in Palestinean activism ?
It can, just like it can exist in evangelical support for Israel. Which is why it’s important to distinguish the two.
That’s a fact!
1 of the very few intelligent responses to this situation i've read. i wld only disagree slightly & say maybe she does see, but is so sick of ppl supporting genocidal regimes that she feels compelled to radically take a side in a "enemy of my enemy is my ally" sort of way.
At a certain point, u will do anything to attack a genocidal regime or see it dismantled, and i believe #AliceWalker's stance is a lot more courageous than half the liberal folk out there who are only committed to human rights when the convo is safe, polite & sanitized of anger
What's REALLY sad, imo?: there's so much abject cowardice preventing justice for #Palestine that the only place #AliceWalker can find absolute, sustained criticism of #Israel is from the likes of #DavidIcke. i dn't think that discredits HER as much as it condemns evrybody else
David Icke the lizard people guy is not the only place she could find criticism of Israel dude, there is a whole thing called the Palestine
Solidarity movement. Stop caping.
i understand your point. My question is how long does a person stand by & watch a people be destroyed w/ impunity before they go to more radical forms of critique against the destroyers? i think that's a legitimate question, prob one she's asked herself.
There is nothing legitimate or even particularly radical about promoting someone who shares bigoted misinformation. This harms Palestinians as much as anyone else by bostlering claims that supporting them is antisemitic
The dude you're talking to thinks that hating Jews is a radical form of anti-zionism. He doesn't bolster those claims; he embodies them.
Are you sure this story is true?
It’s an NYT interview published with her and info from her own website, I don’t think they faked that
She’s been an icke fan for several years, I remember this coming up around 13/14
I'm absolutely livid. Not only because she's stanning for fascist bigots like Icke and Alex Jones, but because she somehow forgot that antisemitic Christian patriarchy is colonialism's primary weapon against Black women's humanity and freedom.
this is so on point!
You can't fight white supremacy against one group of people by borrowing an oppression tactic from white supremacy against a different group of people. This is why our movements for freedom must intersectional; never a silo.
The gray face profile pic is the new version of the Pepe the frog profile pic. Most people who have it are trolling
Thank you. Im not going to bother with that nonsense further.
I started noticing it over the last month. They also love calling things autistic; so if you see that used as an insult, 9/10 it’s someone who gets enjoyment from riling things up and derailing conversation.
Oh, gross.
Don’t let it bother you. Her written work doesn’t lose its power because the artist has turned into a whack job. She wasn’t when she wrote her amazing works, and THAT person is whose work we admire so much. Your reaction to her work has its own value independent of her.
“ Your reaction to her work has its own value independent of her.” Considering the number of heroes who are falling from grace these days, I think you have said something we will all need to start holding onto to make sense of it all.
The same could be said to Jewish Trump supporters.
Absolutely. I wholeheartedly agree. I will never understand how a person of a marginalized group can turn around and bestow hate upon another marginalized group of people.
Just. Stop. Hating. Period. Damn! 

Or stop hanging out with people who hate people.
Yup. Also, your tweet is in here:
I just wish "antisemitic" weren't in scare quotes. The book is unquestionably and rabidly antisemitic.
Perfectly said. Also...it's David Icke, one of the dumbest people on the planet. Lizard people + anti-Semitism = Alice Walker recommendation--not an equation I ever wanted to hear. And the fact that Icke is so extreme in all ways (incl. his anti-Semitism) makes this scarier still
We should focus on how American culture has lowered the bar on what constitutes anti-Semitism rather than openly condemning Alice Walker or the NYT. The real issue concerns how American society rushes to condemn outspoken Blacks while turning a blind eye to white supremacists.
Marc Lamont Hill.
Kaepernick, even( tho not , "antisemitic, " outspoken.
In the end even our heroes have feet of clay ...
Stand up for Justice no matter who’s wrong
EU & US Jews complicit silence on murder, exile, imprison of natives in Palestine (@Israel) to take their land & resources. Afro Palestinians, African Hebrews-Christians-Muslims. Euro jews were placed in Palestine in 1948 after WWII.

Is this true, so much information!
I am laughing because I think colonialism and neocolonialism has put us in Angola in complete darkness for years! Omg is 2018 seems like, we have a lot to catch up! Wondering why nobody commenting on this

Hidden History: Remember Mahatma Gandi supported India’s racist caste system under cover of the Hindu religion. Other side of Bollywood today: India’s 300M-400M native dark skin people are considered Untouchables (Dalits)
Doesn’t fit the Indo-Aryan BS

Definitively, she was framed. Maybe #AliceWalker no longer fit for any cause, if she can be that easy to trick. NYtimes editor didn’t have to publish it anyway.
She wasn’t “framed.” She’s had these views for decades.
I am new on the world around Alice Walker, just can’t find any evidence of the thoughts for decades. Wasn’t she married to a Jew? Wasn’t she harassed by KKK for decades? Please, feel free to share.
It's not fake. Give her the courtesy of treating her like the adult she is, and hold her accountable for her vile views. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Walker#Allegations_of_anti-Semitism …
nailed it
I feel the same way. I loved her earlier writing, both fiction and essays - I was shocked and disappointed to discover these opinions of hers a few years ago.
Can you please tell me what side black people should be on, knowing how the Israeli government is still actively oppressing black people there? They are also being prevented from having children in Israel.
Okay, Alice Walker is an artist. She can be inspired by anything. She said some time ago that she enjoyed it as science fiction. And she probably does. To her, it's sci fi.
And what's with the whole, "I must slam her because of what she's reading!"
You don't like it, you don't like it.
C.I. has a friend who shocked me. He's a big rocker, really successful and if you knew some of the music he listens to, you would be shocked. It's nothing like what he writes. But he finds inspiration in it. Another friend of C.I.'s that was there that is a sculptor and he was talking about how hideous movies -- he even admitted they were awful plot wise and acting wise -- he will watch for the visuals.
So let's not be on a high horse.
She can read what she wants and take from it what she wants.
Here's "Iraq snapshot:"
Wednesday, December 19, 2018. The US builds two more military bases in
Iraq, the prime minister still can't put together a Cabinet, the Arab
League calls out Turkey, and much more.
As the fake news continues, the US is establishing more bases in Iraq -- and the fake news ensures that US media ignores this reality. XINHUA reports what THE NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, THE WASHINGTON POST, NPR, et al won't:
The U.S. forces established a new military base inside Iraq near the border with neighboring Syria in the western province of Anbar, a local newspaper reported on Wednesday.
"The U.S. troops built the military base in al-Maliha area near the town of al-Qaim, some 400 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad," the independent newspaper of al-Mashriq quoted the town's mayor, Ahmed al-Mahalawi, as saying.
According to the mayor, this is the second military base established in Rummanah area near al-Qaim. Another base was set up in earlier December.
"The new base is to the borderline with Syria, apparently aimed at monitoring the border to protect the U.S. forces deployed inside Syria near the Iraqi-Syrian border," al-Mahalawi added.
The newspaper also quoted Frahan al-Dulaimi, member of Anbar provincial council, as saying that the U.S. forces "did not inform the provincial authorities about the military bases."
That news seems a lot more important than Stormy Daniels or all the other b.s. topics that have taken up so-called 'news' space. This is real, this is life and death, this is war. Where's the coverage?
The US intends to stay in Iraq and this despite the fact that it's been one failure after another in terms of prime ministers. A bunch of incompetents who have failed the Iraqi people. Of course, the US government doesn't care about that. It just wants the oil. But these puppets the US keeps putting into power can't even get the oil and gas laws passed -- the ones the US government has been insisting on since 2004.
The Iraqi government can't do much of anything.
As the fake news continues, the US is establishing more bases in Iraq -- and the fake news ensures that US media ignores this reality. XINHUA reports what THE NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, THE WASHINGTON POST, NPR, et al won't:
The U.S. forces established a new military base inside Iraq near the border with neighboring Syria in the western province of Anbar, a local newspaper reported on Wednesday.
"The U.S. troops built the military base in al-Maliha area near the town of al-Qaim, some 400 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad," the independent newspaper of al-Mashriq quoted the town's mayor, Ahmed al-Mahalawi, as saying.
According to the mayor, this is the second military base established in Rummanah area near al-Qaim. Another base was set up in earlier December.
"The new base is to the borderline with Syria, apparently aimed at monitoring the border to protect the U.S. forces deployed inside Syria near the Iraqi-Syrian border," al-Mahalawi added.
The newspaper also quoted Frahan al-Dulaimi, member of Anbar provincial council, as saying that the U.S. forces "did not inform the provincial authorities about the military bases."
That news seems a lot more important than Stormy Daniels or all the other b.s. topics that have taken up so-called 'news' space. This is real, this is life and death, this is war. Where's the coverage?
The US intends to stay in Iraq and this despite the fact that it's been one failure after another in terms of prime ministers. A bunch of incompetents who have failed the Iraqi people. Of course, the US government doesn't care about that. It just wants the oil. But these puppets the US keeps putting into power can't even get the oil and gas laws passed -- the ones the US government has been insisting on since 2004.
The Iraqi government can't do much of anything.
#Iraq’s #parliament voted on Tuesday to approve three out of five ministers put forward by Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, a step toward ending weeks of deadlock between the two largest parliamentary blocs.
Did they? Oh the glass if half full! The glass is half full . . . of piss.
First off, there are eight empty seats in the Cabinet. Second? The two most important Cabinet seats are Minister of Defense and Minister of Security. These are security posts over the Iraqi forces. They remain empty.
Does anyone remember what happened last time these post were empty?
Or does no one pay attention?
Last time they were empty, it was because Nouri al-Maliki, in his second term, wanted a power grab. He didn't want anyone confirmed by Parliament because then only Parliament could remove them. So he refused to put nominees up for the posts and he was over them. And what happened in Nouri's second term?
The rise of ISIS.
As the #Iraqi #government struggles to form a cabinet and looking at yet more failure, 21 #ISIS fighters escaped from a jail in Northern #Iraq.
They say history repeats itself...
frbiu.com/articles/21-da… pic.twitter.com/5cWZl3kKB3
The new prime minister, Adel Abdul al-Mahdi, was supposed to put together a full cabinet in 30 days and then he would go from prime minister-designate to prime minister. Yet again, the Iraqi government did not follow the Constitution. As a result, we're now nearly two months out from him being named prime minister and still not having a full Cabinet -- more importantly, still unable to fill the two security posts.
REUTERS reports:
Nuri al-Dulaimi, Qusay al-Suhail and Abdul Ameer al-Hamdani were confirmed to be ministers for planning, higher education and culture, respectively. They were approved after the Islah and Bina blocs agreed to allow a vote on five outstanding ministries - but not the defense and interior portfolios.
The nominees for minister of education and minister of displacement and migration — the only women to be put forward so far — both failed to get enough votes.
As Mustafa Habib (NIQASH) explained last Thursday:
Last week, al-Ameri of the Reconstruction Alliance, presented his candidate for the job, Faleh al-Fayad, a former head of the militias. Al-Fayad became a somewhat controversial figure when he left the group headed by the former prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, and crossed the aisle to al-Ameri’s rival party. It was seen as a double cross, but it is also one that al-Ameri would doubtless like to reward al-Fayad for, with this job.
However the Sairoun alliance, headed by Muqtada al-Sadr and previously allied with al-Abadi, doesn’t like that idea at all. During recent contentious sessions in parliament, al-Sadr’s MPs have not attended which has led to a lack of quorum, and an inability to fill the vacant ministerial posts.
The prime minister himself is unable to resolve this issue because he is most of all an independent, who was the most palatable option the various partisan blocks could agree on, and he can only wait for the larger more powerful political parties to resolve this problem.
On the topic of Faleh al-Fayad, AL-MONITOR reports:
An Iraqi administrative court has annulled former Prime
Minister Haider al-Abadi’s decision to remove Faleh al-Fayadh from his
posts as head of the National Security Council and leader of the
Shiite-dominated Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). Abadi had dismissed Fayadh from his positions on Aug. 30 due to his involvement with political parties in violation of the Iraqi Constitution.
Why it matters: Abadi
sacked Fayadh after he joined a coalition of parties close to Iran
following the May parliamentary elections. Fayadh’s move was a crucial
step in costing the US-backed Abadi a shot at a second term.The establishment of the PMU during the fight against the Islamic State was a big victory for Tehran, with the pro-Iranian militias now officially a federal security force. The PMU, however, also includes several factions that are close to Iraq’s Ayatollah Ali Sistani rather than Iran. As such, Tehran has been keen to maintain control by installing one of its allies to head the umbrella organization.
Returning Fayadh to his perch as head of the PMU and the National Security Council will help Iran preserve its interests in Iraq and prevent its rival, Saudi Arabia, from empowering its own political networks in Iraq. Iran will also be able to keep a close eye on US troops in next-door Iraq.
Meanwhile, the cry of 'next time' continues from Iraq's floundering prime minister.
Cabinet votes will be completed on Thursday, says PM after getting three ministers through parliament
Five positions remain, including security posts
nrttv.com/EN/News.aspx?i… #NRTnews #Iraq
One nominee not approved on Tuesday was a woman -- the only woman the prime minister has nominated so far -- a detail many are beginning to notice.
Iraqi MP from Building Coalition: PM Abdel-Mahdi is marginalizing women in his cabinet, as is Parliament. There are no women ministers or chiefs of committees in Parliament. mawazin.net/Details.aspx?J…
Yesteday's snapshot noted the persecution of the Sunnis. TRUE NEWS SOURCE notes:
appears to be on the brink of another rebellion within the country, as
it’s Shiite-dominated government has initiated a crackdown on its Sunni
minority by branding them as ISIS collaborators. Iraqi Shias consider
their Sunni counterparts as second-class citizens while the latter
consider politicians in Baghdad as corrupt and ineffectual. ISIS through
its image of being pious and harbinger of religious freedom for Iraqi
Sunnis enabled the jihadist group to conquer wide swathes of territory
around the Euphrates and Tigris basins.
In regions that were once ruled by ISIS,
Iraq’s Shiite-dominated security apparatus, has been widely accused of
systematic human rights violations against Sunnis and is seen as playing
into radical Islamist propaganda. This has created conditions that
could potentially spark off a rebellion within the country. According to
a report by Ben Taub,
staff writer for Washington-based Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting,
the Iraqi government’s lack of effective strategy on how to reach out to
Iraq’s disaffected Sunni Arabs could prove to be disastrous. Moreover,
as quoted by Taub: “a state-sanctioned campaign of revenge and
intimidation is taking place throughout western Iraq, in which hundreds
of thousands of civilians are suffering at the hands of their
The gravity of the situation is expressed by the fact that people living in erstwhile ISIS
territories are widely perceived as “terrorists”. Suspected ISIS
sympathizers are either out rightly killed or sent to concentration
camps with appalling living conditions.
Ben Taub further argues: “Bearded men
are often viewed as displaying evidence of ISIS support, even though the
militant group had a policy of punishing any man who did not grow a
beard in accordance with Quranic directives. Most of these people are
either fired from their jobs, sent to prison, or worse are executed by
the dozens and even hundreds. A handful are tried in a court of law each
month, but these are usually show trials with a conviction rate of 98
percent. Family members of the accused rarely show up in court, fearing
immediate arrest and imprisonment, which appears to be a regular
occurrence. It is not uncommon for relatives [of accused ISIS
supporters] to be rounded up by the security forces and sent to remote
desert camps, where they are denied food, medical services, and access
to documents.”
In other news, Mike notes in "Turkey needs to stop bombing Iraq" that the Arab League has condemned Turkey's continued bombing of northern Iraq.
Arab League condemns Turkish strikes in Iraq – PRESSTV baghdadinformer.com/11298/arab-lea…
New post: Arab League condemns Turkish strikes on northern Iraq therahnuma.com/arab-league-co…
Arab League Condemns Turkish Airstrikes On Kurds In Iraq - Spokesman - UrduPoint [Urdupoint]
Arab League condemns Turkish strikes in Iraq
Spokesman of Arab states, Mahmoud Afifi, stated Turkish aerial assaults, irrespective of motive behind them, flout international law + principles of good-neighborliness" -
newsnow.co.uk/share?u=https%… via @NewsNowUK
Arab League Censures Turkish Airstrikes in Northern Iraq ino.to/NM0GoWG via @skinnergj
Arab League censures Turkish airstrikes in northern Iraq
Arab League condemns Turkish strikes in Iraq
The following community sites -- plus Cindy Sheehan, WAR NEWS RADIO -- updated:
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