I hear on NPR that Huma and Anthony Weiner have withdrawn their divorce. Why?
They are going to do a private divorce.
Apparently, they don’t want to make themselves a public spectacle.
Isn’t it a little late for that?
Tony Weiner is in prison – serving hard time.
His third or fourth sexting scandal found him engaged with a minor.
Isn’t it a little late?
The first sexting got him kicked out of the US Congress.
The second one happened as he was ‘recovered’ and running for NYC Mayor.
Then there was the time he sexted a photo of himself – with a boner – laying on the bed next to his baby boy.
There may have been another one.
Finally came the kiddie issue.
I’d say this is way too late for him or Huma Abedin to suddenly start worrying about appearances.
Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Wednesday, January 10, 2018. Another US service member has died in
Iraq, another drawdown -- not a withdrawal -- is discussed, how some
women hijacked the Golden Globes to turn the attention to their pet
issues and not focus on assault and harassment -- and how they stripped
male survivors out of the narrative, and more.
Yesterday afternoon, the US Defense Dept issued the following:
Jan. 9, 2018
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve.
Spc. Javion Shavonte Sullivan, 24, of Fort Mill, South Carolina, died Jan. 8 in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, from a non-combat related incident. Sullivan was assigned to the 16th Signal Company, 11th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas. The incident is under investigation.
For more information, media may contact Fort Hood Public Affairs at 254-287-9993 or 254-287-0106.
"B-b-but Barack pulled all US troops out of Iraq!!!!"
Sadly, some still pimp that lie -- some who are too ignorant to know better and some who just live to lie.
Yesterday afternoon, the US Defense Dept issued the following:
DoD Identifies Army Casualty
Press Operations
Release No: NR-008-18 Jan. 9, 2018
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve.
Spc. Javion Shavonte Sullivan, 24, of Fort Mill, South Carolina, died Jan. 8 in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, from a non-combat related incident. Sullivan was assigned to the 16th Signal Company, 11th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas. The incident is under investigation.
For more information, media may contact Fort Hood Public Affairs at 254-287-9993 or 254-287-0106.
"B-b-but Barack pulled all US troops out of Iraq!!!!"
Sadly, some still pimp that lie -- some who are too ignorant to know better and some who just live to lie.
Spc. Javion Shavonte Sullivan, who died Monday in Iraq, joined the Army to “make a better life for his family, fight for his country”
Chad Garland (STARS AND STRIPES) notes, "He is the first U.S. servicemember to die while supporting the anti-ISIS campaign this year, and the 22nd since Operation Inherent Resolve began in the fall of 2014."
22 US service members have died in the Iraq War since the bulk of the press lied that a "withdrawal" took place. At the end of 2011, a drawdown took place. There is a difference. And while Barack Obama and the White House had the press spinning for it, the Defense Dept always used the term "drawdown." With the exception of Ted Koppel, not one journalist rushed to tell you the truth about the US service members who remained in Iraq.
Interesting footnote to that, Ted did so on NBC and on NPR -- and two programs no longer air. Kind of like the outlet that told the truth in the lead up to the Iraq War -- MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS -- is no longer around. Running with the pack seems to lead to longevity which is why so few ever sticks their necks out.
This is from NBC's no longer airing ROCK CENTER -- we first noted it in the 12/12/11 snapshot:
MR. KOPPEL: I realize you can't go into it in any detail, but I
would assume that there is a healthy CIA mission here. I would assume
that JSOC may still be active in this country, the joint special
operations. You've got FBI here. You've got DEA here. Can, can you
give me sort of a, a menu of, of who all falls under your control?
AMB. JAMES JEFFREY: You're actually doing pretty well, were I authorized to talk about half of this stuff.
The only one still on the air that Ted discussed the topic on is NBC's MEET THE PRESS (12/13/11):
Ted Koppel: The point is Ron Paul was almost right last night. You remember, and it was one of the overlooked points in the debate, he spoke of the 17,000, he spoke about civilian contractors who are still in Iraq. We do have 17,000 people still in Iraq. They're not all civilian contractors, but a great many of them are. You've got a consulate in Basra, a consulate in Erbil. The one in Basra is just less than 20 miles from the Iranian border; 1,320 Americans down there. They are rocketed two or three times a week. They are about as vulnerable as any Americans have been since 1979 at the embassy in Tehran. And if they were to be frontally attacked, and I'm suggesting that that's not unlikely at all, you're going to see the U.S. military come back in. Because, while the ambassador said, "No, no, no, we're going to rely on the Iraqis to do the job," there is no way that the U.S. military will wait for the Iraqis to save those Americans, and they're going to need saving.
That was the drawdown at the end of 2011, it was not a withdrawal.
ALSUMARIA has reported that there will be a reduction of the number of US service members in Iraq shortly.
If the reduction happens, it will be another reduction. All this time later, we've still not seen a withdrawal of US forces.
Earlier this week, John Perkins (INFORMANTION CLEARING HOUSE) observed:
Washington’s recently passed 2018 military budget was touted as $700 billion; however, it actually surpasses $800 billion when relevant sections of the State and Energy Departments and intelligence agencies are included. This is bigger than the combined military budgets of the next seven – nine (depending on how it is measured) largest countries. (1)
Where does that money go? Who profits from these expenditures? How many of our elected officials own stock in Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics and the other merchants of death, as well as the banks and Wall Street firms that finance them? (2)
You, Ken Burns, and I may think that we lost the Vietnam War. But investors in war profiteering corporations came to a different conclusion. They did then and they do now.
How stupid are they?
War is big business. It always allows filth to rake in millions in blood money.
Look. BP is now doing fine from #Iraq oil. And one of BP’s Board members is ‘Sir’ John Sawers, former head of MI6, who in 2003 Iraq invasion/occupation was the UK's special rep in Iraq. It’s just amazing what is allowed to happen.
It's not the 99% getting rich off wars. They're the ones sent to foreign countries but they're not the ones getting rich off the wars.
Changing topics, the Golden Globes again. A discordant note was struck and I didn't even realize it until this morning (I sort through things in dreams, as noted many times before).
I missed an issue because I was so appalled by the glorification of the vile Kirk Douglas:
- Iraq snapshot
- Hayder continues to put the Iraqi people last
- Natalie Wood is not now or ever forgotten
- The Golden Globes honored both victims and a rapis...
- I'm confused (at The Golden Globes)
Time and again, we heard about women.
That was self-serving and victim-erasing.
I'm embarrassed for everyone who spoke -- including two friends.
Kevin Spacey isn't accused of assaulting any woman.
The victims of assault and rape are not just women and what took place was insulting and self-serving. It's now morphed into "poor Michelle Williams." Mark Wahlberg's not the problem. She should have hired a better agent. If a film has reshoots or goes beyond it's shooting schedule, you get that in writing and you get what you want. And it's generally the easiest thing to get in a contract because the studio expects the director to stick to the shooting schedule. This is not a gender issue -- that Mark got more money that Michelle for reshoots -- it's an issue about making the demands you need to make. Joan Crawford accidentally saw Bette Davis' contract for WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? She saw Bette was getting a better per diem and other benefits. Joan, like Bette, was a woman. It wasn't sexism. It has to do with representation and also with hawk-eyeing the work you're paying your agent a commission to do.
Michelle is not going to get as much to make a film as Mark is currently. He's established as the lead of several hit films and she's not been the lead in any hit film. But she is an extremely talented actress and her agent should have demanded a hard out and a most favored nation clause. If her agent had, the studio would have been forced to pay Michelle for the reshoots and pay her what they were paying Mark.
When FOX sued Elizabeth Taylor, it wasn't about the box office for CLEOPATRA. It was about the fact that they didn't want to pay her what they owed her. (This is when they tried to invoke a moral's clause, etc.) Her contract stipulated what she would be paid for the scheduled shooting and what she'd be paid if shooting went over. This is not a new issue. Michelle was poorly represented and might want to consider new representation.
But if we could leave the issue of wage gap -- which always looks a little elitist when you're that far above poverty level -- don't mistake what happened at the Golden Globes with fighting for -- or even respecting -- the survivors of assault and harassment.
All victims are not women. Anthony Edwards bravely came forward to talk about what happened to him. It devalues Anthony and every other male survivor when we jabber away about women, women, women without ever acknowledging that anyone can be a victim.
To present the falsehood that the victims are women only and then to use it to whine about how many female directors this or wage that is nonsense. It was embarrassing.
I firmly support equal pay for equal work, I champion women directors. Those are important issues.
But if the topic for the night is assault and harassment, then you do not waste time on those two topics and get applause. You should instead be called out for diverting attention from the issue on hand and also for stereotyping survivors.
We need to note this from WSWS:
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The following community sites -- plus Jody Watley -- updated:
- Oprah, Seinfeld and Katty-van-van6 hours ago
- Green7 hours ago
- Stop the witch hunt7 hours ago
- What if we all knew some basics?7 hours ago
- Gravity and height7 hours ago
- Sea turtles7 hours ago
- Living wage?7 hours ago
- But she barely knew Harvey Weinstein!7 hours ago
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