Kat's "Kat's Korner: Chris Brown's all mixed up on his mixed tape" went up Sunday and so did Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Hillary and the FBI" (above) and "Hillary Talks To Bernie."
FBI’s Hillary Clinton email bombshell will be felt after, not just before, election http://on.wsj.com/2egn5wC 

She really should step down right now.
Instead, in desperation, she's now trying to destroy the image of the FBI.
That's how sick and sad she's become.
She'll do anything to become president.
Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Monday, October 31, 2016. Chaos and violence continue, the persecution
of the Sunnis continue, the stupidity of Chris Cuomo continues, and so
much more.
Let's start with the media because they never get smart.
In part, they're so stupid because so many are unqualified even by 'journalistic' 'standards.'
Chris Cuomo didn't study journalism.
Unless we're considering his time at FOX NEWS.
He got his job because his daddy was somebody -- years and years ago.
All he got was morning co-anchor out of the deal -- at least his brother got to be governor of New York.
CNN's Chris loves to boast such as here:
But if you want to be informed, clearly you go elsewhere than Chris.
He's never been anything but a propaganda organ for the Democratic Party.
The Republicans have their own propaganda organs as well.
They're not journalists either.
Today, Chrissy Cuomo, the pampered and buttered prince, proves he can't inform you:
Let's start with the media because they never get smart.
In part, they're so stupid because so many are unqualified even by 'journalistic' 'standards.'
Chris Cuomo didn't study journalism.
Unless we're considering his time at FOX NEWS.
He got his job because his daddy was somebody -- years and years ago.
All he got was morning co-anchor out of the deal -- at least his brother got to be governor of New York.
CNN's Chris loves to boast such as here:
you want to be informed? @NewDay. you want to be coddled? many other choices
But if you want to be informed, clearly you go elsewhere than Chris.
He's never been anything but a propaganda organ for the Democratic Party.
The Republicans have their own propaganda organs as well.
They're not journalists either.
Today, Chrissy Cuomo, the pampered and buttered prince, proves he can't inform you:
who did deal with iraq to leave? bush. period. and he did it because they and you wanted out
isis had its most robust growth in last few years. that its true. also true, bush took us out of iraq and situation disintegrated
Who did deal with Iraq to leave?
You mean "the deal"?
English is hard for the inbred Cuomos.
(If you think that's rude, I think it's rude for TV personality Chris to pick on someone else for putting an extra "i" in a word -- the grammar cuts both ways.)
The UN did the deal for the US to stay in Iraq.
It was a yearly mandate.
When Nouri became prime minister in 2006, he renewed the mandate at the end of the year without bringing the Iraqi Parliament in on the deal.
There was uproar.
There was outrage.
He did the same at the end of 2007.
By 2008, he and Bully Boy Bush realized this yearly mandate was not working.
And 2009 was supposed to see national elections. (Nouri's desire to screw over the Sunnis resulted in objections from a vice president which pushed the elections to March 2010.)
There was no way he could be re-elected and do a yearly mandate renewal at the end of 2009.
So for 2008, the decision was made to switch to three year mandates.
This was easy to do because the United Nations was no longer providing cover to the occupation of Iraq. Anyone remaining in Iraq -- a foreign power -- would have to put together their own mandate.
The United Kingdom did.
So did the United States.
It was the Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA).
It allowed three years of occupation -- with a yearly kill clause for each side.
"Who did deal with Iraq to leave"?
That would be US President Barack Obama.
He "did deal," prince Chrissy.
He was negotiating a deal for US troops to remain beyond the end of 2011.
And then he walked away from that deal.
Over the objections of his Secretary of Defense and the Chair of the Joint-Chiefs of Staff.
I have no idea why someone as stupid as Prince Chris Cuomo ended up on TV.
It's not because of looks.
And before anyone says, "Well he does have a degree in law!"
Yes, the little prince does.
And we see why he's on TV instead of inside a courtroom every time he tries to tell America what the law says -- such as when he (wrongly) stated hated speech was not protected by the First Amendment. Before we get to his more recent lie, let's pause on that one.
In the first semester of Constitutional Law, as anyone who's taken the course can tell you (I have taken it), you deal with the issue of hate speech. Generally, it's about the KKK. You study a case -- or get assigned to argue one in moot court -- where you're either defending the KKK having a march or arguing against it.
The KKK -- an anti-Jew, anti-African-American, anti-everything organization -- is disgusting. It's repulsive.
It also has protected speech the same as anyone else in the United States.
It's a basic fundamental.
That Prince Chrissy didn't grasp that explains why he puts on make up every morning and tries to look cute for the cameras (he fails at looking cute as badly as fails at grasping the law).
More recently Prince Big Butt decided to tell the world that it was okay for CNN to 'possess' the Podesta e-mails but not private citizens.
CNN's 'possesses' the e-mails as copies from WikiLeaks -- the way the rest of the world -- except for Podesta -- possesses them.
WikiLeaks published them.
Anyone can possess them now.
Prince Chrissy's understanding of the law is so poor that were THE WASHINGTON POST publishing THE PENTAGON PAPERS today, he'd rush through Georgetown snatching copies of THE POST out of everyone's hands while insisting he was saving them from being prosecuted.
Prince Chrissy is an embarrassment and, if CNN didn't need Cuomo help (if TimeWarner didn't need it), he'd have been fired long, long ago.
Ryan Crocker was a US Ambassador to Iraq.
A year ago, Thomas Ricks (FOREIGN POLICY) interviewed him.
What would Prince Chrissy say to that?
Well first we'd need people to explain the multisyllabic words to him.
But for those of us who can read and think, what Crocker is saying is not only true, it's damn scary.
Why scary?
Because the political inaction since 2011, it continues.
Mosul has been held by the Islamic State since June of 2014.
Barack Obama began bombing Iraq in August of 2014.
At the same time, he sent US troops back into Iraq.
What he didn't do was focus on addressing the political crises.
It was those crises that gave root to the Islamic State.
It doesn't matter if every member of the Islamic State was driven out of Iraq today if the political crises are not addressed.
If the Sunnis continue to be persecuted, then nothing has changed and the future of Iraq is continued war.
And, yes, Sunnis continue to be persecuted.
They continue to be persecuted.
And Twitter's 'answer' is to silence an Iraqi women who has spent the past years documenting the persecution. As we noted last night:
And speaking of silences, where's the objection to the silencing of an Iraqi woman by Twitter?
The account has been suspended by Twitter.
Her crime?
Sticking up for Sunnis.
Calling out War Crimes.
This will get you suspended on Twitter.
Offering useless crap?
An important voice has been silenced.
Sunday, the US Defense Dept announced:
Strikes in Iraq
Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted nine strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:
-- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed a vehicle bomb.
-- Near Mosul, four strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit, destroying five fighting positions, three mortar systems, two ISIL-held buildings, two vehicles, a weapons storage facility, a command-and-control node, a tunnel entrance, a front-end loader and an artillery system. Two fighting positions were damaged and two tactical units and a heavy machine gun were suppressed.
-- Near Rawah, three strikes destroyed three ISIL storage containers, a bunker and a supply cache. An excavator was damaged.
-- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, two vehicles, a vehicle bomb and a heavy machine gun.
Task force officials define a strike as one or more kinetic events that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative, effect. Therefore, officials explained, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone ISIL vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against buildings, vehicles and weapon systems in a compound, for example, having the cumulative effect of making those targets harder or impossible for ISIL to use. Accordingly, officials said, they do not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. Ground-based artillery fired in counterfire or in fire support to maneuver roles is not classified as a strike.
Bombings kill.
And, no, all the people killed are not members of the Islamic State.
A lot of civilians are being killed as well.
SPUTNIK reports:
All US-led coalition airstrikes on civilian targets in Iraq should
be investigated in full, the Russian Foreign Ministry's commissioner for
human rights said Monday.
Meanwhile in the United States, the presidential campaign circus continues with Hillary Clinton (Democratic Party presidential nominee) applauded by some fools who damn well should know better.
Roseanne knows better.
While Roseanne knows reality, others stumble.
Sad to say, but US House Rep Steven Smith just schooled Cher.
(1) Bush isn't running, and his brother got <1 in="" polls.="" strong="" the="">Hillary
Bully Boy Bush isn't running -- though Cher seems to think he is.
Bully Boy Bush's Secretary of State -- Colin THE BLOT Powell -- who lied to the UN and the world has endorsed for this election and he's voting for . . . War Hawk Hillary.
Are we supposed to be impressed when one criminal who lied to bring us to war in Iraq endorses another? #NoMoreWar
Jill Stein is the Green Party's presidential nominee and she has the sense so many lack today.
New content at Third:
- Truest statement of the week
- Truest statement of the week II
- A note to our readers
- Editorial: Iraq
- TV: Real estate
- Roundtable
- Hillary's mess of her own making (Ava and C.I.)
- Tweet of the Week
- Pig Boy Bob Somerby (Ava and C.I.)
- Reality behind the photo
- Pig Boy Joe Conason (Ava and C.I.)
- Neera Tanden: "Sometimes Bill and Hillary have the...
- It's time to free a generation from indentured ser...
And Kat's "Kat's Korner: Chris Brown's all mixed up on his mixed tape" went up Sunday as did
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